Tom Hanks Helps Explain Why The Cleveland Indians Are Changing Their Name

The Cleveland Indians have announced that they are changing their name to the Cleveland Guardians, a move that most people might think is past due. But just in case anyone needs to really be convinced that this is a good move, the Major League Baseball franchise hired an actor beloved by just about everyone, Tom Hanks, to stress why this change is so important.

“You see, there’s always been Cleveland, that’s the best part of our name,” Hanks says in a video created by the team. “And now it’s time to unite as one family, one community to build the next era for this team, and this city. To keep watch and guard what makes this game the greatest… Together, we are all the Cleveland Guardians.”

The narration is underscored by music from Ohio natives the Black Keys and features the team’s new logo (a winged “G” that’s… clenching a baseball between its knees?).

It’s no shock that the team chose Hanks to help announce this big change, the man is steeped in pure Americana and positivity. His past narration work has included HBO’s The Pacific, the World War II journalism documentary Shooting War, the National Geographic Channel’s Killing Lincoln, and the IMAX film Magnificent Desolation: Walking On The Moon. In short, Hanks seems to lend his voice to uniquely American stories, and seems perfectly suited to pair with a team that’s acknowledging and embracing the importance of their name.

The team has gone by the Cleveland Indians since 1915; the new name will take effect after the 2021 season.