Jimmy Kimmel Wants to Interview Nicki Minaj’s Cousin’s Friend: “We’ve Been Looking For Him”

Jimmy Kimmel got involved in rapper Nicki Minaj’s controversial vaccine tweets on last night’s episode of ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live. Minaj went viral on Monday when she claimed in a series of tweets that her cousin in Trinidad refuses to get a Covid-19 vaccine because his friend became impotent after being vaccinated, leading his fiancée to call off their wedding. She also claimed that this friend suffered from “swollen testicles,” despite there being no recorded evidence of this alleged vaccine side effect.

Although Minaj’s cousin’s supposed friend has made international headlines, he hasn’t been identified.

“Believe me — we’ve been looking for him,” Kimmel said during last night’s episode.

Minaj later falsely claimed on Twitter that she was invited to the White House to discuss her vaccine hesitancy. According to a White House spokesperson, they actually offered her a phone call with one of their doctors.

“Nicki insisted that her manager and publicist were on a call — during which the White House invited her to come chat with Dr. Fauci in person. The White House says no. And I have to say, it’s a shame that isn’t happening,” Kimmel continued. “Dr. Fauci talking to Nicki Minaj about her cousin’s friend’s inflated gonads — could have been one of the great pay-per-view events of all time.”

Kimmel closed off with a special invitation for Minaj and the supposed cousin’s friend who’s got everyone talking.

“There was obviously a miscommunication and Nicki, I just want to say — I’m sorry you had a frustrating experience with the Biden administration,” Kimmel said. “But I think the best thing to do, right now, for everyone involved, is for you and your cousin and your cousin’s friend — and his balls to come into my studio to show them to the world.”

“No one is better equipped to handle this delicate situation — like me — than me and [frequent Jimmy Kimmel Live presence] Guillermo [Rodriguez],” he added.

Jimmy Kimmel Live airs weeknights at 11:35/10:35c. Scroll up to watch a clip from last night’s episode.

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