Bill Maher Says Lack Of Plan For U.S. Southern Border Crisis Will Sink Democrats On HBO’s ‘Real Time’

Last night on HBO‘s Real Time with Bill Maher, the host lambasted Democrats for lacking a plan to address the U.S. southern border crisis.

During the show’s panel discussion with Michael Render, aka Run The Jewels rapper “Killer Mike,” and journalist Robert Costa of The Washington Post, Maher mentioned the stat that 200,000 border crossings occurred in July 2021, the highest America has seen in 21 years, and that “three in 10 of them” were not just from Mexico and Central America but “from around the world.”

“What do we do about the border?” Maher asked. “I feel like this is the Democrats’ version of health care for the Republicans. The issue they don’t really address, they don’t seem to really have a plan for it. And always is their Achilles’ heel come election time.”

“And it was what propelled Trump, in part, to the presidency in 2016, making the case to working-class voters — many of them White — that immigration levels need to be lower, both legal and undocumented workers,” added guest Costa. “And you see now in 2022, that’s going to be a major issue for Republicans.”

Killer Mike also warned Democrats that “Black working-class people” are also “afraid” of illegal immigration due to a potential competition for jobs as well as fear of being “pinned against” Black migrants who arrive in the States.

Maher then proceeded to read a quote: “If you open borders — my God. There’s a lot of poverty in this world and you’re gonna have people all over the world. And I don’t think that’s something we can do at this point.”

The host jokingly attributed the quote to former President Donald Trump but then revealed it was actually from Senator Bernie Sanders.

“Canada is much more to the right on immigration. You have to have a skill. That’s mostly what it’s based on. Ours is mostly based on family. And it’s odd because we still can’t find enough workers in this country,” Maher concluded.

Costa argued that “Congress is broken,” pointing to the stalemate regarding any bipartisan legislation to address immigration, which is “now being driven so much by the executive branch, by this overpowering institution of the presidency.”

Oh, and also, during Maher’s “New Rule” segment of the show, the host expressed how he thinks Trump is well on his way to winning the presidency in 2024. You can check out that enlightening segment below. Stream the rest of the show, including the panel, right now on HBO Max.

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter — @Tweetskoor

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