Bill Maher Says “Take It Down A Notch” Defending Dave Chappelle Over Netflix Controversy On HBO’s ‘Real Time’

Last night on HBO‘s Real Time with Bill Maher, the host insisted “you can’t be afraid to speak in America.” He was of course referring to the recent uproar over Dave Chappelle‘s perceived transphobic comments made during his Netflix special The Closer.

As the show progressed, Maher expanded on his qualms with the “woke topic,” particularly with regard to polarization in this country’s politics and language, using Chappelle’s controversy as an example to prove his point that ending public outrage may be the only way to move away from cancel culture.

Maher said to his panelists former presidential and New York mayoral candidate Andrew Yang and John McWhorter, author and NY Times newsletter opinion writer, that he was “Team Dave,” but added “that doesn’t mean I’m anti-trans!” McWhorter, likened such polarization as akin to a religion, wherein people view things in ways that point to one absolute and final truth.

Yang added that he feels more people would agree on policy than you would imagine, however, he too blamed language for the deep divisions in the country, as “coded” words draw a dividing line.

McWhorter concluded that Chappelle is a comedian, which means his commentary is not always literal, “instead we’re told [by the media and some of the public] to read it as it’s ‘The Three Bears.’“

Later during his New Rule segment, Maher mentioned a Bosnian cab driver he once spoke to who told him that the ugly strife he saw in his native country is starting to become the norm in America.

“When people despise each other, it doesn’t matter what the issues are,” Maher said, urging everyone to “take it down a notch. Is that really so hard? It’s up to all of us to deescalate.”

To make that point, Maher referenced William Shatner‘s recent space exploration, which was politicized by some as another example of privilege.

“How about this,” Maher said. “Just enjoy it, that William Shatner went for a rocket ride and came back. Not everything has to be political. You want to heal America – shut the f**k up for once.”

You can check out the panel discussion above and the show’s New Rule segment below.

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter — @Tweetskoor

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