Bill Maher’s ‘Real Time’ Panel Ties Critical Race Theory To Virginia’s Glenn Youngkin Win

Last night on Real Time with Bill Maher, the HBO host applauded the passage of President Joe Biden‘s $1.2 infrastructure trillion bill in the House of Representatives, but said “it came too late to prevent Democrats from getting their ass kicked all over the country.”

Maher pointed to the Virginia gubernatorial triumph of Glenn Youngkin, joking that the governor elect’s name sounds like “The scotch you buy at Costco.”

He wasn’t in the joking mood on this topic, however, arguing with one of his panelists during a discussion about Critical Race Theory as well as disputing some arguments made by Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar during her opening interview.

Guests Michael Eric Dyson and Glenn Loury challenged Maher on a number of controversial racial issues during the show’s panel discussion.

Loury is a professor of economics at Brown University who hosts “The Glenn Show” podcast, while Dyson is a professor at Vanderbilt University and author of “Entertaining Race: Performing Blackness in America.”

Dyson argued that Youngkin essentially won the Virginia gubernatorial race over the concept of teaching black history in schools.

Maher quickly disputed this. “They’re not objecting to black history being taught,” but rather the subject of Critical Race Theory, which some insist does more to separate children by race and traumatize, rather than unite them.

Loury agreed that CRT was too separatist. “It’s American history. Blacks don’t have a separate history.”

Maher mentioned the issue of having black segregated dorms on college campuses. Dyson admitted, “We should all sample each other’s culture.” But he added, “Let’s not pretend that the black students are carrying the water for segregation.”

Later during his New Rule segment of the show, which you can watch via the clip above, Maher spoke about the hypocrisy of younger people. He pointed out that model and cultural influencer Kylie Jenner has 28 times the number of online followers than climate activist Greta Thunberg, which is indicative of a problem.

“The cognitive dissonance is breathtaking,” Maher said. “I know it would be fire to live like Kylie and save the planet, but you can’t do both.”

“Kids, you have to make a choice – you’re either progressive or excessive.” He added, “I wish your generation was better than mine. But we’re completely the same. Lots of talk, but at the end of the day, pigging out on convenience, luxury, and consumption.”

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter — @Tweetskoor

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