Snoop Dogg Overshadows Golden Globe Nominations with Wild Name Mispronunciations

Who needs the Golden Globes when you can have Snoop Dogg? This year’s announcement of the 79th Annual Golden Globes nominations was anything but normal, thanks especially to the rapper, who served as emcee this morning. Since the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (which rewards the prizes) is under close scrutiny by the press and entertainment industries, the 2022 edition of the usually massive event has been muted. As of this writing, it won’t even be airing on television.

But that wasn’t the talk of the town as the nominations rolled in this morning. No, that honor went to Snoop Dogg as he listed off every category, completely shocking viewers of the event. Completely unaffected by the bizarre nature of the nominations announcement, Snoop Dogg blissfully read out the nominees — and, just like John Travolta with Idina “Adele Dazeem” Menzel, botched quite a few names. Is it Ben Affleck or Ben Afflack?

Snoop Dogg later apologized to Affleck for pronouncing his name wrong — “Sorry about that, Ben” — although he had nothing to say about any of the other folks whose names he had botched. Still, viewers looked past Snoop Dogg’s mistakes, less concerned about the emcee as they were about the Globes themselves. Yet again, the HFPA failed to step up on nominating a diverse group of creators, resulting in more backlash from the entertainment community online.

“Golden Globes are very white again,” one user shared. “And most of it is their fault and also Hollywood is still not giving black people and POC those type of roles and opportunities. It’s so fucking frustrating.”

Due to the widespread backlash against the HFPA, the Golden Globes’ 2022 edition currently has no broadcast home. Current HFPA president Helen Hoehne insisted that the organization has strived to “be better” over the past few months, but from the social media reactions above, it seems folks are still upset.

The Golden Globes will be held on January 9.