‘Below Deck’ Recap: Heather Admits “I Fell Short” After Using a Terrible Slur

Taking a “mustache ride” with deckhand Jake would’ve been much less of a problem for chief stew Heather Chase during the latest episode of Below Deck, but watching (and cringing) through what actually went down can only hopefully serve as a teachable moment for all.

During the crew dinner on a night out, Heather is served a Tito’s and soda that is at least 40% Titos, as she states at dinner, “This is just straight vodka, basically.” Not that this is an excuse, but it does give some context for what happens next.

While most of the crew spend their evening spying on Wes and Jess, it’s when deckhand Rayna and Heather take a trip to the bathroom that Rayna says “This [n-word]” and Heather…repeats it. At the moment it’s laughed off, but when Heather and Jake are later rapping in the crew mess, Rayna tells her, “You cannot say [n-word], you’re white as fuck. That’s cancel culture, you better be careful with certain words.”

And no matter what she was served earlier in the evening, a sobering look comes over Heather’s face as she asks, “Did I say it?” Rayna nods, and Heather quickly responds, “I didn’t think I said it, I’m sorry.”

“I like you but you gotta be careful,” Rayna tells her. “You know how people are. 2021 is… it’s not 2002 anymore. I still love you, I’m telling you just be careful,” she says, bringing a whole lot of grace to the moment.

“I can respect that, thank you,” Heather tells her before heading to bed, clearly feeling awful.

The next day, Rayna explains to Wes and Eddie how that incident is understandably weighing on her mind, and Heather has since taken to Instagram to address her actions.

“I am sorry for the hurt my ignorance caused Rayna in tonight’s episode,” the post reads. “While I apologized to Rayna throughout the season, I cannot express enough how truly remorseful I am. Part of my responsibility as Chief Stewardess is to provide a welcoming, safe environment for the crew and I fell short. Over the past nine months since this episode was filmed, I have learned how my words and actions can affect others and I vow to do better in the future.”

Below Deck airs Monday at 9 pm ET/PT on Bravo.

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