‘The View’ Shocks With Lonesome Three Person Panel

And then there were three! Today on The View, the world’s smallest panel discussed hot topics. With both Whoopi Goldberg and alternate host Ana Navarro out of office, no conservative guest host in sight, and only three ladies at the table today, The View felt a little empty. But, hey, with a personality as big as Joy Behar‘s, everything ended up alright.

“So, as you can see, maybe, we are a trio at the table today,” Behar began. “There basically were two developments, and I’m just gonna tell you because this is a live show. First of all, Whoopi wanted me to tell everyone that she feels fine and healthy. But because she was in close contact with someone who tested positive, she won’t be here today and tomorrow.”

The news earned a series of groans from the in-studio audience, who were really looking forward to seeing the moderator in person. The good news, however, is that Goldberg is in good spirits and feeling healthy at the moment.

“She’s fine, though, she’s fine,” Behar assured. “If you’re near someone who has been exposed and you’re positive, you cannot come here. That’s the way we operate here. She also wanted me to share that she tested negative earlier today and has had her booster.”

Fans of The View had kind words of support for Goldberg, wishing her good health and negative COVID tests as she finishes out her 2021. “Prayers for Whoopi for a negative test on Covid,” one user shared.

“We’re also sending our love to Ana, because yesterday, her mom Violeta Navarro passed away,” Behar continued. “We’re very sorry to hear about Ana’s mother. She’s been ill in Nicaragua for awhile. She asked us to share a message that she wrote to her mother.”

Behar then passed the news over to Sunny Hostin, who had a message from Navarro about her mother to share to viewers of the show.

“I wish you’d been able to enjoy health and your family longer,” Hostin recited. “As your youngest, I’m grateful for the 50 years of unconditional love and support you gave me. Go in peace. We’ll look after dad. Hug my brother for. I’ll miss you always, until we meet again.”

Hostin continued to update viewers on the situation: “Ana actually will not be going to Nicaragua at her parent’s request because of the political unrest there and how the government feels about the media. Her father has asked her not to go to Nicaragua. That’s why she wasn’t able to be with her mother when her mother passed. It’s been very very difficult for Ana.”

Hostin thanked her coworker for constantly coming to The View and being “cheerful, doing what she does best” with political commentary. She also was grateful for Navarro’s presence when both of her in-laws passed of COVID-19.

“She was there for us in such away. Manny and I both extend our condolences to her, and I reached out to her earlier today. She’s really been struggling with this. I’m sure that our viewers love her as much as we do.”

“Oh, the audience loves Ana!” Behar agreed, earning a wave of applause from the audience.

The audience does love Ana, and fans online rushed to send her love on social media to show their support. “My goodness, such heavy news this morning,” one user shared. “Sorry to hear about all these changes. Condolences to Ana and glad Whoopi is doing well.”

Luckily, that’s not the end of Goldberg and Navarro on The View in 2021. Yesterday (Dec. 14), the show pre-taped their annual Christmas celebration episode, meaning that both parties were able to attend the taping. You’ll see them on this Friday’s (Dec. 17) episode to round out another year with The View.

“You’ll be wondering: how come Ana’s there today, and yesterday, and the day before,” Behar said. “Same with Whoopi — that is the explanation.”

Watch the full segment in the clip above. The View airs weekdays on ABC at 11/10c.

Where to watch The View