Alyssa Milano Calls Out Ted Cruz On ‘The View’: “He Has Been Bought By Gun Lobbyists”

Actress Alyssa Milano is known for her political advocacy, and she wasted no time sounding off on current issues while appearing on today’s episode of The View. When the ABC talk show’s hosts brought up her 2019 meeting with Texas Senator Ted Cruz (which Milano wrote about in her recent book Sorry Not Sorry), she called the politician out for his ties to gun lobbyists.

Milano explained that she met with Cruz to discuss gun violence prevention alongside Fred Gutenberg, whose daughter Jamie died in the 2018 Parkland, Florida mass school shooting. “I felt like it was important because I feel like so often we… villainize people that think differently than we do, and we sometimes forget they’re human,” she said. “I wanted to tap into [Cruz’s] humanity and find common ground. I really believe politics should be about compromise and doing what’s right for constituents.”

She recalled looking Cruz in the eye and asking: “How many more children have to die by AR-15s before you actually do something?”

“It was that moment that I realized that he really is a jackass and just does not care,” Milano continued. “He has been bought by gun lobbyists. Part of me feels like we should make politicians wear sponsorship uniforms like NASCAR drivers do, so we can see where the money is and where their allegiances lie.”

Although Milano acknowledged that some viewers may find her words divisive, she still finds these kinds of conversations worth having. “I want people to understand that I truly believe that obstructionist politics will not accomplish anything for the American people,” she said. “We have to figure out how to work together, because that’s what this should all be about.”

The View airs weekdays at 11/10c on ABC.

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