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‘RuPaul’s Drag Race: UK vs. The World’ Queens Are Back in the Gig and Ready to Stunt

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RuPaul's Drag Race: UK Versus the World

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Drag Race fans all know the story: a queen competes on a season of Drag Race and what happens happens. Then they get the call to come back for another go on an All Stars season, giving the queen a chance to right some wrongs, turn fails into wins, and hopefully get a crown. That’s the appeal of an All Stars season; you want to see the redemption stories just as much as you want to see all the personalities mix it up. And if that’s true for regular seasons of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars, then the truth is only heightened on the franchise’s first ever international competition: RuPaul’s Drag Race: UK vs. the World.

The new series puts a global twist on the spicy All Stars formula by pitting legends from the UK, Canada, Holland, Thailand, and United States series against each other. It’s like a summit of the United Nations, except with a lot more glitter (but probably the same amount of shade?). These queens aren’t only here to represent their countries, they’re also here to correct their personal record and show out like they’ve never shown out before. And now all of these competitors know the score, know the game, and know the edit. Will this work in their favor, or will the pressure to outdo themselves get in their way?

Drag Race Queens Spill on the Cross-Cultural Kiki of UK vs. The World

That’s what Decider wanted to know when we got the chance to chat with the cast face to face (or, rather, screen to screen). We wanted to know what they learned the first time around, be it new strategies to use, old fabrics to avoid, or emotional barriers to break down. Here’s what all 9 potential global champions had to say when asked about returning for their second (or third or fourth) time around.

Photos: World of Wonder

Pangina Heals (Drag Race Thailand judge, Seasons 1-2): That’s the thing [about going from being a judge on Drag Race Thailand to competing in UK vs. the World]: just because I don’t like it, or I like something, it doesn’t mean that the other judges from different countries would like the same things I did. So in a way, I didn’t have any leg up [from being a judge]. The only thing that I had that I felt was an advantage was like, for me and Janey, we’ve never been judged by Ru or Michelle before. So there must be this element of excitement or freshness that we can bring — but what I like might be different to what she likes.

Janey Jacké (Drag Race Holland Season 1): I never worked with the queens in this season before, so that was a first. In my season, [Holland’s] very small. A lot of the girls knew each other. So that was a very different experience going in [to UK vs. the World]. I just tried to look back at everything I did in Drag Race Holland, take all the photos next to each other, remembering the comments. Looking back at the episodes, what were the comments, what were the judges’ critiques and tips and tricks, and really applying that to how I was preparing myself for the next go. I really wanted to keep the aesthetic of old school drag in my drag because I love that, but I also wanted to give it a new dimension and a new level and elevate it not just for the fans or for the critiques, but also just for myself. You have to keep growing and in everything you do.

Photos: World of Wonder

Mo Heart (RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 10, RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 4): Third time back, I mean, I was gonna make sure that my looks were [sultry whimper], you know? I would say being more vulnerable on camera with people, you know, telling and expressing how I feel. I’m the only child so I’m used to dealing with my issues myself and processing and having to choose, “I can trust you and I can open up for a little bit.” I think was my biggest like a-ha-ha hurrah.

Jimbo (Canada’s Drag Race Season 1): I learned the first time around that opinions are subjective. You’re really [on Drag Race] to showcase your own art. We’re really there as performers for the audience and within the construct of the show, for those moments you really have to care about what the judges think — what those three strangers think about you and your drag for that moment. But at the end of the day, it’s really about what the audience takes away and what your story and your art form is able to do for the community and for the world. And so coming off of Canada’s [Drag Race] Season 1 and all the harsh critiques, it was really exciting to be able to be more sure of myself even in the face of people maybe not agreeing with your point of view. It just really taught me self confidence.

Photos: World of Wonder

Lemon (Canada’s Drag Race Season 1): Oh, I learned to stay the fuck away from denim because it’s not camera friendly. Yeah. So I think that was my biggest takeaway was that denim is a no go and just to not do it.

Jujubee (RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 2, RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Seasons 1 & 5): [Competing on Drag Race] does not get easier. But I try to live my life with no expectations; the one expectation is every time I compete on Drag Race, I know I’m gonna have a really good time. I’m gonna have a great time. It’s like I’m a kid in a candy store when I’m in that Werk Room because all these queens that I admire are there. I know I’m going to get all their numbers and I’m going to get to hang out with them. And when I come see you in Canada, Miss Lemon, we’re going to go get some poutine! It’s this family that you don’t necessarily choose. It’s chosen for you in a different sense, and it’s your drag family. And I have a lot of drag sisters. I’m very happy about that.

Photos: World of Wonder

Baga Chipz (RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Season 1): I didn’t think we were going to have a UK or an international All Stars. I didn’t know it was even in the pipeline. I’m very bad — when I get asked to do something, I leave everything last minute. So I’m like, right, you’ve got three weeks now. It’s time to elevate your drag [pffft]. But yeah, I had all the costumes made by the best people and, put it this way, I look much betta on this [season].

Cheryl Hole (RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Season 1): We could all attest to the fact that my runways weren’t the strongest [in UK Season 1] and I didn’t get the opportunity to win a challenge. So this time, straight off the bat, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I grew so much from filming [UK Season 1] to it airing, let alone the two years that passed from us competing. I was so excited to have a whole new approach to these challenges, these runways — and who knows, win a challenge?

Blu Hydrangea (RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Season 1): When it came to me it was a confidence thing, definitely. I watched back [UK] Season 1 and I’m always taking part in the conversations for my old self. I’m like, “No, you should have said that.” I’m glad that I had the two, three years since my season of Drag Race to grow as a person. I definitely didn’t know who I was going into [UK] Season 1, but I definitely know who I am going into this. And I think that really helps you with drag because you need to know where you stand and what you need to show and what you want to highlight.