Where Was ‘Nightmare Alley’ Filmed?

Oscar nominations will be announced next Tuesday (Feb. 8), meaning it’s crunch time for all you awards fanatics who want to catch up on every nominated film. Nightmare Alley is a likely contender in the 2022 awards, thanks to fantastic production design, costumes, and performances in Guillermo del Toro‘s latest fantasy flick. Want to visit that eerie carnival? News flash: you can’t. This film is set in the late 1930s. Sorry! But you can visit the locations in the film.

Based on the 1947 film of the same name, Nightmare Alley follows a scrappy young guy looking to make it big. Stan (Bradley Cooper) finds some luck working with a psychic act, later stealing her routine in order to open his own show in a new town. After breaking a few rules, killing a few folks, and some serious spiraling, everything gets more than a little dicey.

Get your maps out — here’s everything you need to know about where they filmed Nightmare Alley.

Where is Nightmare Alley set?

Nightmare Alley, of course. Kidding! The beginning part of the film takes place in a vague carnival setting, but later on, Stan migrates to Buffalo, New York. Was the film actually shot in Buffalo? Hm…

Where was Nightmare Alley filmed?

Nightmare Alley was, indeed, filmed in Buffalo. The unfamiliar landscape worked perfectly for the film’s eerie setting, so Guillermo del Toro shot on location. The director wanted snow, and the area is known for heavy snowfall. But, to the surprise of the crew, the film set still had to use fake snow. What a disaster!

Apart from Buffalo, the other location the film used was Toronto. Now, even though only two locations were used, the times at which Nightmare Alley filmed were sporadic, to say the least.

When was Nightmare Alley filmed?

Production was initially slated for late 2019, but was bumped due to Cooper’s schedule — this small production change shifted the whole course of filming, thanks to the pandemic. Filming began in January 2020 in Toronto, quickly moving to Buffalo in February.

But in March 2020, just like every other production, Nightmare Alley shut down. The film was around halfway shot, and resumed filming in September 2020. Finally, by December 2020, Nightmare Alley had wrapped.

Where is Nightmare Alley streaming?

Nightmare Alley is now streaming on Hulu and HBO Max. Get watching!

Where to watch Nightmare Alley