Is ‘Daredevil’ Leaving Netflix? Marvel’s Netflix Shows May Be Leaving on March 1

Is Netflix about to succeed where Thanos failed? There are rumors swirling that the streaming service will soon snap not half, but all of their Marvel heroes out of existence on March 1st. That’s right — Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Punisher, and the fist guy will soon be a victim of Netflix’s own Blip, and leaving Netflix on March 1.

The reports of the Defenders’ impending disappearance are coming from all over the internet; you can read a pretty thorough summation of the event over at /Film. In short, users are getting a message indicating that the Marvel shows will be available until March 1 when they hit play on an episode. It looks like this:

Netflix, Marvel Shows leaving message
Photo: Netflix

Now, when and where the messages pop up are not consistent. It seems as though they pop up when you hit play on an episode of one of these shows for the first time. For example, if you’ve never watched Marvel’s The Punisher and start to watch it right now, you’ll probably see the message for a second or two. But if you have watched Punisher before, the message may pop up for a millisecond, or not at all.

This is not how these bye-bye messages usually work on Netflix. There’s way more consistency (they should be appearing for a few seconds whenever you hit play regardless of whether or not you’ve watched the episode before) and the message can usually be found on a show’s home page as well. That is not the case here.

Netflix, Daredevil homepage
Photo: Netflix

So, what does this mean? It means this could be a glitch and that none of the shows are leaving. It would be kinda wild for Netflix to ditch Daredevil after the show brought in so many views after Spider-Man: No Way Home. Or it could be a glitch in the other direction and all the shows are leaving, but the messages are just wonky.

If the Marvel shows do end up leaving Netflix, that doesn’t mean you’ll never be able to watch Jessica Jones throw back a few shots again. It’s always possible that, upon being blipped off Netflix, the shows could reappear on Disney+ alongside the rest of Marvel’s content; or perhaps on Hulu, which is where mature audiences fare like the Netflix/Marvel shows has previously ended up when it’s too extreme for Disney+. As for now, though, you can still stream all of the Defenders-verse until February 28th — and then after that? It’s still a mystery!

Decider has reached out to Netflix and Disney+ for comment.

UPDATE (2/11/22): Polygon is reporting that unnamed sources have confirmed that all of the rights to Netflix’s Marvel shows have reverted back to Disney and will leave Netflix on March 1, although it’s unclear where the shows will end up next. Netflix has yet to comment officially on the matter.