5 Most Important Moments In ‘1883’ Season 1, Episode 8

In 1883 Season 1, Episode 8, entitled, “The Weep of Surrender,” our pioneers are still reeling from tornados and attacks by cattle thieves that they’ve endured. Written by Taylor Sheridan and directed by Ben Richardson, Episode 8 begins with our favorite wranglers attempting to herd a pack of wild stallions with the help of new friends Sam (Martin Sensmeier) and Charles Goodnight (Taylor Sheridan). With a long journey ahead of his charges and a dire need for provisions, either Sam or Charles have sent word to the Comanches to come and trade with the pioneers. He treats Elsa (Isabel May) to a pair of buckskin chaps, cementing his honorable intentions towards her. As Charles and Captain Shea (Sam Elliott) discuss the dangers that await the wagon train, Shea decides Colorado—not Oregon—would be the safest destination. Before Charles leaves Shea to continue hunting cattle thieves, he laments about the new invention of barbed wire and the overall state of the West: “They’re gonna carve this country into little rectangles.” He sadly is not wrong.

Shea tells Josef (Marc Rissmann) to gather the group and translate for him. Shea gives them two options: head to Fort Laramie or head to Denver. James (Tim McGraw), liking neither option, gives the group another choice: follow him to Oregon. Much to Shea’s shock, Josef and the settlers choose to go with James. Elsewhere, Sam takes Elsa aside to go hunting for buffalo. Elsa kills one, and, as is the tradition, takes a bite out of its heart to take the animal’s strength. Face covered in blood, Elsa rides with Sam back to the camp in triumph, but Margaret (Faith Hill) can only look on in horror.

When Sam and Elsa tell James and Margaret of their feelings, they are not pleased. Margret cries, “Young lady, I will not allow this,” to which Elsa replies: “You’re not allowing it. I’m 18 years old, I’m allowing it.” Later, Shea comes up with some booze for James to dull the pain and to tell him he, Shea, will stay on to help guide and protect the group, but James has to lead them. The next morning, Elsa and Margaret have a heart-to-heart by the creek, and Elsa agrees to ride with them to Oregon because she may need to return to them someday.

As the wagon train begins its journey West, Sam and James take a mustang to the water to help break it. Sam assures James he will take care of Elsa, but there is no chance they will live in Oregon with the rest of James’ family. Sam declares: “I’ll marry your daughter, but I’ll still belong to the people, and the people belong to this land. We don’t dare leave it. Maybe someday you’ll find land to belong to and you’ll know what I mean.” That line really resonates because the audience knows how much the future generations of Dutton will have to fight to keep the Yellowstone ranch in the family.

As Elsa and Sam share a tearful goodbye, Sam says these words in his native tongue, “Know this is your home. Know I am waiting.” Despite their brief time together, it is certain that Sam sees Elsa for who she truly is.

Let’s break down the 5 most important moments from 1883 Episode 8 that will have lasting repercussions.


When Josef and the settlers see the Comanches riding up to the camp, he and the rest of the group pick up their weapons. Protective of his friends, Charles rides in front of Josef and points his gun at him, warning, “Well, that’s not very friendly.’ In shock, Josef replies, “We don’t know they’re friends,” to which Charles responds, “If they weren’t friends, we’d already be dead.” Sam quickly barters with a seamstress for chaps for Elsa while other settlers trade their belongings for buffalo skin blankets and food.

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James is trading with a Comanche man for a box of bullets when he spots a Conquistador’s helmet among the man’s possessions. When James inquiries about it, the man tells him, “From the Spanish. You know they tried to take our land too.” James replies quickly, “I ain’t taking nothing. I’m just passing through.” Even though the man knows James is yet to wrong his people, he continues: “Our land cannot be taken. White man thinks he took it. White man is like the wolf. He kills everything until only the wolves are left. And then the wolves kill each other and then there’s nothing, and our land is free again.” James listens and responds, “That sounds about right.” Enough said indeed.


Concerned about the group’s safety, stamina, and lack of supplies, Shea has Josef translate his decision about the change in their final destination: “If we’re lucky, and we haven’t been yet, we’ll reach Fort Laramie in October. That means crossing South Pass in the snow or staying the winter in the Fort. Neither are safe. The other option is we head to Denver. We can be there in six weeks.” With no free land available in Denver, Josef and the others are hesitant to wait until Spring to continue West.

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In a kind of dick move, James steps to the front and tells the pioneers, “I’m heading North. Anyone wants to ride with me, you’re welcome.” Looking at Shea pointedly, he continues: “You come with me, I ain’t gonna baby you like he did. You’re gonna work, you’re gonna keep up ’cause I ain’t crossing the mountain in the snow, and I ain’t wintering in no fort.” When Shea tells him, “You’re gonna get ’em all killed,” James replies, “People die in Denver too. It’s their choice.” The group decides to follow James instead of Shea.


Upset by their decision, Shea assumes Thomas (LaMonica Garrett) will head back to civilization with him, unaware of the depths of his connection to Noemi (Gratiela Brancusi). Thomas tells Shea, “I promised to see her to Oregon and that’s what I’m gonna do.” Shocked and hurt, Shea replies, “Well, free country.” Quietly, but firmly, Thomas says: “It’s gonna be hard enough with you, but we ain’t got no chance without you. I ain’t ever ask you for nothing, but I’m asking you now. Don’t leave us, Captain.” How can Shea deny his old friend this request?

Later, after Elsa and Sam have made known their intention to be together, Shea brings James some of Cookie’s booze as a peace offering. Shea tells James: “These folks don’t trust me anymore. And I don’t trust them for making the right choice for themselves. Can’t lead people I don’t trust, but you trust them.” James answers, “I trust their desire to see it through.” Shea responds sincerely: “I’m gonna trust you. I think I can live with that, but you’re gonna have to lead ’em. I’ll guide ’em, and I’ll protect ’em, but you lead ’em.” James agrees and the two men are (tentative) friends again.


After James decides to continue to Oregon, Elsa asks Margaret if she wants to go to Denver instead. Margaret answers, “He said to trust him, I’m trusting him” and then asks Elsa, “Know why he lets you run wild, don’t you?” When Elsa says it’s because he trusts her too, Margaret lays down the hard truth: “‘Cause he knows dresses is your future. No matter where we go. You’re wearing dresses and raising babies and sweating over a garden and swallowing every dream you’ve ever had ’cause that’s all the world wants from you.”

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When Elsa decides to be with Sam on his land, Margaret is absolutely devastated. Margaret pleads with Elsa to change her mind, saying she knows nothing about what love truly is. “You are my child. When you fall down, and you will, it is my duty to pick you up,” cries Margaret. Elsa quickly replies: “It’s not your duty anymore, mother. I love you, but I’m a woman. I pick myself up. I’ll ride with you to Oregon so I’ll know where to come if I ever need to start over.” Margaret is satisfied, but presses her luck about Sam and Elsa’s union, “All I ask is a ceremony. Say vows before God so this at least has a chance.” Elsa wisely and firmly responds: “He saved my life. Twice. Saved your husband’s life too. I don’t need to ask God’s permission to love him. God sent him.”


Needless to say, after hunting a buffalo and spending a few nights under the stars together, Elsa and Sam are even more steadfast in their decision to be married. As they prepare to leave each other, Sam gifts her with a beaded vest and tells her there’ll meet back on this trail in June when the flowers blooms. Moved, Elsa screams “I love you” in English and Comanche as Sam rides away. Sam rallies his men, and they ride together in a circle. Then Sam cries in his native language: “Know you fill my heart. Know you are the wife of a warrior. Know you are a warrior.”

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Needless to say, the pioneers are shocked by this very public display of affection. Though tears pour down her face, Elsa is unashamed and proud of their devotion to one another. As she rides pass the group to the cattle herd, Elsa’s voice-over narration takes over: “I felt their eyes move over me. I felt their pity and disapproval, and it meant nothing to me. The only thing that mattered was riding away. Just as I was riding away from him.” Like Elsa, we can only hope for a happy reunion in the spring with Sam.

Where to stream 1883