‘The View’ Audiences Skewer Conservative Guest Host Lauren Wright: “Please Shut Up”

The View introduced a brand new conservative guest host today in Lauren Wright, a political commentator known for her appearances on BBC, CBS, CNN, C-SPAN, MSNBC, and Fox. But as they are wont to do, The View fans were quick to share their opinions on social media, even bestowing a new nickname on the newly-maligned guest host: Lauren “Wrong.” That’s right: The View fans were thoroughly displeased with the conservative commentator, writing her off before she could even get her second hot topic point through to the panel.

The first hot topic was gun reform, a divisive issue for which The View‘s conservative hosts have faced controversy in the past. Wright played devil’s advocate at the table today, the only panelist to actually defend gun companies as the anniversary of the Parkland shooting of 2018 passes. After tiffing with the guest hosts, fans waded into the discourse with their messages of disapproval for the host.

“Lauren Wright is making the slippery-slope argument about manufacturers being held accountable,” a fan of The View named Lauren tweeted. “Me to Lauren Wright: You do not speak for all Laurens on this.”

The panel went on to chat about their careers, being on the no-fly list, and more, but fans of the show were still unimpressed by the guest host. After Bubba Wallace came to visit, viewers of the show shared one last message for both The View and Wright: no more guest conservative hosts!

“This chick, Lauren Wright, is a doctor,” another user shared. “Goes to show that being educated doesn’t necessarily equate to being intelligent.”

Sorry, fans of The View: you’re going to have to sit through one more panel with Lauren Wright. The guest host will continue into tomorrow’s (Feb. 17) show, but wrap up after that. She could, however, be offered the permanent conservative host position at The View, if she meshes well enough. We’ll have to wait and see!

The View airs weekdays on ABC at 11/10c.

Where to watch The View