Bill Maher Says Zelenskyy Is A “Man’s Man” Which Makes Women Horny On ‘Real Time’

Last night on HBO‘s Real Time with Bill Maher, the host dove head first into the Zelenskyy love fest.

Maher said he is grateful that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has proven that “the world still needs grown-ass men.” He believes that Zelenskyy’s bravery and ability to remain calm in the midst of crisis is making American women horny.

“Forget making America great again,” said Maher. “He’s making America grind again.”

“Guys, you can go on about how masculinity is itself toxic or you can be horny for Volodymyr Zelenskyy, but you can’t do both,” the comedian said to his female audience on Friday night.

His commentary stems from the internet, mostly straight women, gushing over the political figure as if he was a real life John Wick, demonstrating that they have at the very least a little crush on Zelenskyy, who may even appear at the Oscars during a time of war against Russia in his country.

Maher read a few Twitter posts that his team found:

“If I’m being honest, Zelenskyy gives me a lady boner,”

“Badassery is sexy as f—,”

and “I wanna bang Zelenskyy.”

“Could it be that as much as women may want to create the perfect man, there’s always going to be a little bit of toxic mixed in with our masculinity and no amount of training will turn us into your favorite ‘Twilight’ character,” he explained.

Maher then showed some images coming out of Ukraine of women fleeing the country with their children while “every able-bodied man in Ukraine is sticking around to fight and maybe die.”

“It’s not always a great advantage being a man, and toxic though we may be, we do sometimes come in handy,” Maher continued. “As much as you may not want to admit it, there’s a direct correlation between all these lady boners for Zelenskyy and the fact that he’s what people used to call a ‘man’s man.’ He can’t share right now; he’s killing Russians. Turns out after 200,000 years there’s still a lot of ‘another tribe is coming to kill us.’ And when that happens, you want a little ‘big dick energy.’”

You can check out Maher’s entire New Rules segment above.

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter — @Tweetskoor

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