Whoopi Goldberg Delivers Heated Defense of Abortion Rights on ‘The View,’ Warns Leaked SCOTUS Opinion “Is Bad for the Country”

Whoopi Goldberg was on fire on this morning’s episode of The View as the panel continued their discussion about abortion rights, a conversation that’s been ongoing since the Supreme Court’s draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked last week. As the cohosts discussed “the craziness” going on in the country, Goldberg scoffed about “who should have the final say” about abortion if it no longer falls to the people who need the procedure.

Infuriated, Goldberg said she couldn’t even hold a conversation with republicans any longer. “If I actually thought that y’all cared, if I actually thought you were going to put things in place so that babies would be taken care of properly, if I thought you were going to pay for the things that women need in terms of health and education and all the stuff we’ve been talking about over the last 40 years — if I thought you were going to do that, I might be able to have a conversation with you, but I can’t,” she said.

She then slammed Justice Samuel Alito, who wrote the leaked Supreme Court draft and referenced Nathan Hale in his opinion. Goldberg was flabbergasted by the inclusion of Hale, whom she dismissed as a “17th century jurist and misogynist.”

“Why are you quoting this man? A man who ordered women to be killed as witches, a man who is responsible for the terrible legal concept that a husband can’t possibly rape his wife. Why would you quote him in this decision? You couldn’t find anybody closer to maybe, the 20th century?” she asked, before accusing Alito of being “pissed” about the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment), an amendment that would give women equal rights, but has yet to be added to the constitution.

“You’re pissed that women have decided to take care of themselves and do the things they need to do. You’ve been angry about this for years,” Goldberg said. “Women are not going to let you dictate to them what they can do with their bodies. They’re just not gonna do it.”

After delivering her heated response to Alito’s draft, Goldberg expressed her anger over the possible repercussions of overturning Roe v. Wade, telling the panel that if abortion is made a states right, it could later affect “gay marriage [and] interracial marriage,” as well as “where your kid goes to school and what your child can learn.”

“This one thing can change an entire country into some place you don’t want to be,” Goldberg warned.

As her cohosts discussed the effects of overturning Roe v. Wade on medical practitioners who could be persecuted for performing abortions, Goldberg weighed in on the far-reaching implications of overturning the ruling, regardless of gender or political affiliation: “This is not good for anybody. It’s not good for men, it’s not good for women. This is not about being on the left or the right. This is bad for the country.”

The View airs weekdays at 11/10c on ABC.