Kellyanne Conway Snaps at Alyssa Farrah Griffin on ‘The View’: “You Get to Talk Here Every Day, I’m a Guest”

Kellyanne Conway had a tense reunion with her former coworker, Alyssa Farah Griffin, on Tuesday’s episode of The View. Conway, who worked as Senior Counselor to the President in the Donald Trump administration, got testy with guest host Griffin, who also worked in the White House as Director of Strategic Communications and Assistant to the President before resigning in Dec. 2020.

When Conway appeared on The View today, tensions were immediately high between herself and Griffin, whom she clashed with the minute they began speaking. As Griffin said she “admired” Conway during her “first time” in the White House, Conway quipped, “What happened the second time?”

Although Griffin didn’t take the jab too hard, explaining she had “looked up” to Conway before entering a more “comparable” role to her, the tone of their chat shifted when Conway interrupted Griffin while discussing “the big lie,” or Trump’s refusal to admit that he lost the 2020 election. While Griffin explained she had resigned from the White House after seeing “a violent mob assault the Capitol” on Jan. 6, Conway snapped, “is there a question in here?”

When Griffin did post her question — “do you still think he could be a good president after he tried to overturn our democracy?” — Conway got snippy with her, explaining she had left three months before Griffin resigned over “the election you were having a problem with.”

As Griffin defended her decision, telling the audience she stayed to help her junior staff get jobs, Conway continued, “I think people should know that, because I haven’t seen you since you’ve changed.” The comment prompted Griffin to hit back, “I haven’t changed. Just to be clear, I didn’t change. I swore an oath to the constitution, not to Donald Trump.”

Conway spoke over her to reply, “You get to talk her every day, I’m here as a guest,” but when she was given the time to speak, Conway still did not answer the question. Griffin then told her, “You’re still supporting Donald Trump now,” to which Conway condescendingly responded, “Alyssa, if you’re saying that somehow you think we’re supposed to think that you’ve seen the light, and not just seen your name in lights, that’s not fair.”

Griffin, exasperated, told Conway, “That’s such a cheap shot. You’re not answering the question.”

Eventually, Whoopi Goldberg was forced to cut in and warn Conway she had to stop or her time would be up at the table. As Conway continued to defend herself against Griffin while Joy Behar tried to ask the next question, Goldberg told her, “this is unfortunate, but we’re gonna go if you can’t let her do the question.”

Her warning to be the only effective way to end the uncomfortable exchange as Conway finally piped down to let Behar speak. Although Conway and Griffin may have stopped trading barbs, we doubt they’ll make up anytime soon.

The View airs weekdays at 11/10c on ABC.