Tense Jake Tapper CNN Interview Ends when Camera Falls, Cuts Off Signal

Jake Tapper‘s Wednesday interview came to an abrupt end on his CNN program The Lead when a camera mishap cut his conversation with Brian Deese short. Tapper, who was grilling the White House Director of the National Economic Council on the nation’s ongoing baby formula shortage, was just as surprised as his viewers when the camera filming Deese toppled over mid-conversation.

The CNN journalist began his chat with Deese by confronting him about the response to the baby formula shortage, beginning with President Joe Biden‘s knowledge of the issue, which was a known problem to the FDA this winter, but was only revealed to the president in April.

Tapper interrupted Deese to ask why nobody had informed president about the looming shortage sooner, and pushed back against Deese’s explanations, telling him he still didn’t understand what happened with the formula shortage.

The exasperated anchor later tore into Deese, telling him, “So, the whistleblower complained in the fall, the FDA waited until December to act, waited until February to shut the plant down, President Biden wasn’t told about it until April. You don’t think any of that should have been done more quickly, or sooner? You just think everything went exactly how it’s supposed to?”

Shortly after Tapper said, “I don’t need the FDA to investigate itself to come to the judgment that they did not act quickly enough. And on behalf of all the frustrated moms and dads and guardians out there, I hope you don’t either,” the interview continued to go south — literally.

As Deese attempted to defend the White House response, telling Tapper, “these are really serious safety judgments, and you’re absolutely right to be frustrated,” the camera began to shift from where he was filming on the White House lawn.

“Woah, woah, woah!” Deese exclaimed as the camera toppled over altogether, cutting off his feed and turning the screen blank. Tapper, who had been watching with a concerned expression, told his viewers, “Our camera fell down.”

As he laughed and shuffled the papers in front of him, Tapper simply said, “Okay. Brian Deese, thank you so much.”

The Lead with Jake Tapper airs weekdays at 4 p.m. on CNN. Watch Tapper’s ill-fated interview with Deese in the clip above — and make sure to watch until the very end.