Nathan Fillion Gushes Over Accused Abuser Joss Whedon: “Would Work with Him Again in a Second”

What’s a little toxic workplace allegation to Nathan Fillion? The Firefly actor brushed off accusations that Joss Whedon was abusive on the set of multiple shows and movies, including Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Justice League. If you ask Fillion, Whedon may be “a little haunted,” but really, we should ignore all that. The man is “funny” and “talented!”

During an appearance on the Inside of You podcast, Fillion defended his longtime collaborator and friend, pushing back against claims in a New York magazine profile that Whedon allegedly threatened Gal Gadot’s career and was accused of creating a hostile work environment for Ray Fisher and other Justice League actors.

“I read that article, and nowhere in there at any point in time did he mention Firefly,” Fillion said per Variety, referring to the series he and Whedon worked on together in 2002, which was later revived for the 2005 film Serenity.  “I had an entirely – that was not my experience with that man.”

After praising Whedon as “funny, self-deprecating, incredibly talented,” Fillion added, “I mean, listen, by his own admission that guy’s a work in progress and I appreciate that…I would work with Joss again in a second. I would work with him again in a second.”

Along with Firefly, Fillion previously worked with Whedon on Much Ado About Nothing and Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, and appeared in a few Buffy episodes. The actor said he’s still in touch with Whedon, and the two sometimes dream about the return of Firefly.

“We talk, we joke, we fantasize,” he said, but insisted there could be no Firefly future without Whedon: “It would be heartbreak,” Fillion said. “How can you?”

Fillion is boldly understating Whedon’s allegedly abusive behavior. While he may not have experienced it firsthand, multiple actors have come forward with stories of their time working with Whedon, who was has been described as verbally abusive and threatening. Buffy star Charisma Carpenter alleged that Whedon repeatedly threatened to fire her, made fun of her religion and called her “fat” when she was pregnant.

Whedon denied the allegations against him to New York, dismissing Fisher as a “bad actor” and a “malevolent force” and claiming Gadot misunderstood his comments on the Justice League set.

“I don’t threaten people. Who does that?,” he told New York of his interactions with Gadot. “English is not her first language, and I tend to be annoyingly flowery in my speech.”