Why It Matters That ‘A Million Little Things’ Talks About Abortion

When it comes to addressing the thorny subject of abortion, television shows have been making significant progress over the years. There’s still a long way to go before on-screen storylines more accurately represent the wide variety of reasons why people have abortions, better reflect real-world abortion demographics, and properly inform viewers on the types of care and resources available, but it’s crucial when writers, show runners, and actors publicly tackle a topic that’s still so heavily debated in today’s society. A Million Little Things is far from the only show to air an abortion episode, but with abortion rights under siege after the U.S. Supreme Court voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, the ABC drama springs to mind for several reasons.

The show, which follows a close-knit group in the aftermath of their friend Jon’s (Rob Livingston) suicide, doesn’t have perfect abortion episodes. But they do a remarkable job supporting a pregnant person’s right to choose, while reminding viewers of the variety of reasons why even the most capable, happily partnered, financially, emotionally stable human beings might not be ready to welcome a baby into the world — and why that’s okay. In addition to showing the emotional tolls of abortion, the series also works to help open viewers’ minds on the issue and make those who’ve had (or know someone who’s had) an abortion feel seen and less alone.

A Million Little Things first introduces an abortion storyline in the sixth episode of Season 1, “Unexpected.” After Jon’s widow, Delilah Dixon (Stephanie Szostak), learns she got pregnant from an affair with her late husband’s best friend, Eddie (David Giuntoli), she decides it would be too difficult for her and her grieving family to care for a baby. Her friend Gary (James Roday Rodriguez) accompanies her to an abortion clinic, where we see a particularly heavy scene in which she lays on an operating table as a doctor prepares the procedure. After she leaves the clinic, Delilah reveals that she didn’t go couldn’t with the abortion.

Delilah Dixon hugging a nurse on 'A Million Little Things.'
Photo: ABC, Hulu

The episode initially garnered criticism from some viewers who feared that showing Delilah alone and terrified might make others reluctant to seek out abortion care. Another concern was that Delilah’s decision not to go through with the procedure failed to highlight the overwhelming number of people who receive abortions and don’t regret them. While these critiques are valid, ultimately the episode is proof that all circumstances are different. Not every in-office experience will be as emotional as Delilah’s — especially since added layers of TV drama (an affair and a recently deceased husband) were weighing on her. And though she doesn’t go through with the procedure, her storyline still highlights the importance of allowing pregnant people to make the best decision for themselves.

A Million Little Things could have easily carried on without another mention of abortion, but the series revisited the topic in Season 3 with a fresh storyline centered around Maggie (Allison Miller) — a therapist whose breast cancer recently went into remission. At the start of the pandemic, she flies home to Boston to attend a routine cancer screening and unexpectedly learns she’s pregnant with her London roommate Jamie’s (Chris Geere) baby. Since she recently finished chemotherapy and people are advised to wait at least six months after treatment before getting pregnant, she immediately knows abortion is right for her. Though her primary reasoning was medical, a factor often neglected in pro-life arguments, the show takes additional steps to stress that even if Maggie didn’t have medical complications, she still would have wanted an abortion.

Maggie from 'A Million Little Things' sitting on a couch.
Photo: ABC, HULU

“There are so many reasons I don’t want to have a baby right now,” she tells Gary, who accompanied her to a Planned Parenthood office where she obtained an abortion pill. “It’s not the right time in my life. I don’t know if Jamie is the person I want to raise a kid with. I’m not ready…” Though the pregnancy was poorly timed and Maggie successfully received an abortion, she powerfully states: “One day I really want to be a mom.”
Throughout the episode we see Maggie receive support from loved ones, learn how abortion pills work, and experience cramping and exhaustion while cycling through a series of complex emotions. While her experience isn’t reflective of every journey, the episode’s refusal to shy away from honest abortion talk struck a chord with millions of viewers, including one of the most important women in my life who was so moved by the show’s thoughtful handling of the topic she felt comfortable enough to share her own abortion experience with me for the first time — a prime example of how impactful stories like this can be.
Maggie and Gary on 'A Million Little Things' in a Planned Parenthood office.
Photo: ABC, Hulu

In Season 4, Maggie brings up her abortion again during her radio show. Despite the knowledge that her show falls under conservative ownership and her job would be at risk, she shares why she received an abortion, saying on air, “Every single person who faces that choice has their own set of unique circumstances, and that is what makes that decision personal to them — not political. It is no one else’s place to judge or shame any woman for deciding what is best for her.”

Maggie on 'A Million Little Things' hosting her radio show.
Photo: ABC, Hulu

The fact that the show’s two abortion episodes, coupled with this powerful scene, aired to primetime ABC audiences and later streamed to secondary viewers on popular platforms, including Hulu, was huge. There will always be a danger in overdramatizing abortion scenes for the sake of compelling television, so if a show’s creatives decide to tackle the topic they carry an enormous responsibility — not only to educate themselves but to carefully craft inclusive storylines that represent reality. But if shows are up for the challenge, as A Million Little Things and so many others have proved, then TV and beloved characters like Delilah and Maggie can be powerful mediums for bringing different viewpoints into homes and raising attention on life-changing issues like abortion.