Here’s How to Tell If Netflix Is Down Or It’s Just You

So the unthinkable has happened. You’ve just gotten to the latest and greatest twist in the middle of your two-hour binge, but Netflix refuses to load. No matter how many times you press play, the same error message keeps flashing. What gives?

As reliable as Netflix typically is, even the streaming giant isn’t immune to the struggles of internet connectivity problems. Netflix has gone down before, at it will likely go down again because the internet is a precarious place. If that happens, don’t panic. Here’s how you can tell if Netflix is really in the middle of an unpleasant outage or if the problem is on your end.

This Title Is Not Available To Watch Instantly

Is there anything more frustrating that getting the message “This title is not available to watch instantly. Please try another title”… Only you know that title is available to watch instantly? And you’re getting the error message for every single title in your library? Don’t worry, it’s not just Netflix ghosting you, there’s a serious error going on that most likely is impacting people throughout the country. Read on for more on what to do…

What a Netflix Network Connectivity Issue Looks Like

Typically when Netflix is experiencing a network connectivity issue, you will see one of four things. Either Netflix will completely fail to load, Netflix will partially load, you will see a error message, or Netflix will load but won’t allow you to play a title. Luckily all four of these problems are fairly easy to address.

Netflix Completely Fails to Load

If you’re on desktop, the page won’t load at all. If you’re accessing Netflix from a Roku, smart TV, gaming system, tablet, or smartphone, it just won’t open. If  you can’t get to Netflix at all there’s probably a very good chance the connectivity issues are on your end.

Use the same device you’re trying to watch Netflix on to either open another streaming app or go to a website. If that other app or site loads, great. You know this problem is Netflix specific. If it doesn’t load, then it’s time to turn everything off and unplug and replug your router. Cox has a good guide on how to fix routers and personal wifi problems.

It also doesn’t hurt to make sure the platform that you’re using and your Netflix app are both up to date. Once you’re sure your internet is back, check for any updates for your system, browser, and/or Netflix app. Sometimes a new app repair can clash with an older piece of software.

Netflix Partially Loads

This is a problem I primarily encounter when I’m streaming on desktop. Netflix’s site and my profile will load, but the site is either completely black or contains giant gaps with missing titles.

A quick page refresh typically fixes this. Just reload the page a couple more times until Netflix goes back to normal.

Netflix Shows an Error Message

Uh-oh, you’ve got a real problem. No matter how many times you try to reload Netflix, you keep getting the same error code. Thankfully for lovers of Stranger Things and Orange Is the New Black, the streaming giant has a pretty simple system in place when it comes to troubleshooting.

If you ever get an error code, go to Netflix’s help page. Once there, enter the error code or message you’re seeing directly into the search bar. From there, Netflix will provide step-by-step instructions for how you can fix this problem.

Netflix Loads But It Won’t Let You Play a Title

Everything looks good. Netflix is loading, and you can see all the title cards for the documentaries you swore you were going to watch — eventually. But every time you try to play a title, nothing happens. If your software and all your apps are up to date and no amount of refreshing or restarting changes anything, there’s a chance this problem is above you. Netflix may be down.

Once again, Netflix has your back. If you’re ever wondering if Netflix is really down or if it’s just you, check out the “Is Netflix Down?” page in the streaming service’s help center. Want a second opinion? Down Detector offers a more thorough analysis if the streaming service is down, complete with a live outage map.

So Netflix is down, and you feel pretty certain it’s not your fault. Now what? You could always call Netflix or live chat with a Netflix representative. Netflix’s customer service number is (1-866) 579-7172. For faster service, have your account code ready. You can find your account code by scrolling down to the bottom of your Netflix home page and clicking “Service Code.” Links to live chatting are also available on any page of Netflix’s help center.

But if there’s really an outage, the best thing you can do is wait it out. Netflix’s Twitter account has notoriously been great at quickly addressing complaints about outages. And if you need a place to vent with other binge-watchers in need of new late night plans, the community at r/Netflix is a great place to start.

No matter what, try not to panic or get too angry. Netflix is one of the most reliable streaming services out there. If it’s down now, it’ll probably be back soon.