Sunny Hostin Insists to Pessimistic Joy Behar that Trump Will Be Indicted on ‘The View’: “There’s Evidence”

After Donald Trump gave his first speech in D.C. since leaving the White House after losing the election, The View weighed in on the former president’s future as the Jan. 6 hearings continue and a criminal investigation into Trump carries on.

With Attorney General Merrick Garland insisting on NBC News, “We will hold accountable anyone who is criminally responsible for attempting to interfere with the transfer — legitimate, lawful transfer of power from one administration to the next,” the panel launched into a debate about the odds of Trump actually facing consequences for once or wriggling out the grip of justice once again.

Whoopi Goldberg reacted joyfully to Garland’s words, telling the panel, “This is all pretty damning, I think!” but her co-host Joy Behar was less jovial. Behar said she feels “insecure” about Trump’s possible indictment, adding, “I don’t believe it.”

Her grim view had Sunny Hostin puzzled. She asked Behar, “You don’t believe that he’ll be prosecuted? Even though I’ve been saying it for a couple months, Joy?”

Behar, bravely taking on the member of the panel with the most legal experience, replied, “You know I have the highest esteem for you, my dear, and I believe you, but in my gut, I say to myself, ‘He’s such a snake. He’ll find a way out of this.'”

Hostin was ready to roll out her legal expertise, telling Behar to have faith in Merrick Garland, who is a “stealth prosector” and “a domestic terrorism expert.”

Pointing to Garland’s work prosecuting Timothy McVeigh and Ted Kaczynski, Hostin added, “There were no leaks in those investigations, so he is the right person at the right time to be doing this job. Donald Trump, I believe, will be indicted for several things. He’ll be indicted for seditious conspiracy, which is very hard to prove but we’ve got the proof. We’ve seen it in the Jan. 6 hearings.”

Her confidence still didn’t sway Behar, who asked “which part” made Hostin think Trump would be convicted of seditious conspiracy.

Once again, Hostin came back with plenty of support for her theory. While she told Behar it can be “very difficult to prove intent,” she said the committee has presented evidence against Trump, including audio and damning testimonies.

“You have all these people saying well, he wanted to go to the Capitol. He said these things, he tried to attack a Secret Service agent. He tried to grab the wheel. You know what happened. His intent is very clear,” Hostin said, later adding,  “There’s evidence, Joy.”

When Behar, never willing to drop a point easily, said, “there’s no smoking gun that I see here,” Hostin insisted, “You don’t need to have a smoking gun. … You don’t have to see that it rained when people are coming in with wet umbrellas and water on their shoulders. You don’t have to, Joy, have a smoking gun. All the evidence is there.”

The View airs weekdays at 11/10c on ABC. Watch this morning’s discussion in the video above.