Is Snoop Dogg a Vampire in Netflix’s ‘Day Shift’? Maybe!

Warning: Major Day Shift spoilers ahead. Read at your own risk.

Look, I’ll just say it: If you’re going to put Snoop Dogg in a vampire movie, you should make Snoop Dogg a vampire. This is doubly true for Day Shift, the new Netflix action comedy that kinda, sorta, almost makes Snoop Dogg vampire, but can’t quite pull the trigger. (At least, not explicitly.) Instead, the movie leaves audiences asking, “Wait… is Snoop Dogg a vampire or not?” So my question for director J.J. Perry and writers Tyler Tice and Shay Hatten is this: Why are you denying the people what they want? Commit to vampire Snoop!

Day Shift, which began streaming on Friday, stars Jamie Foxx as a vampire hunter named Bud. Bud makes his living by killing vampires and selling their fangs for money, but ever since he got kicked out of the vampire hunter union, he’s getting paid a lot less. So when Bud is faced with the task of coming up with a bunch of cash to cover his daughter’s school tuition, he turns to his old union pal Big John Elliott—aka Snoop Dogg himself—to put in a good word with the union boss.

As Big John, Snoop is essentially a weathered Los Angeles cowboy. He rocks a wide-brimmed hat, a big silver belt buckle, a bushy curved mustache, and a soft leather vest. His entrance into the movie comes boots first, accompanied by a song that declares him a “deer-huntin’, beer-guzzlin’, Southern man.” And, of course, he tops it all off with a hit of a blunt.

Unfortunately for those who tuned into Day Shift specifically to see the Gin and Juice rapper on screen, we don’t see much of Snoop after he sweet-talks his buddy Bud back into the union. But he does show up again at the end of the movie, just in time to save the day with a really big gun. And as he is fighting off vamps side-by-side with Jamie Foxx—and kicking quite a lot of ass—he gets bitten. He gets bitten badly. Like, right in the neck. Exactly where Dracula would bite his victims and everything.

Snoop Dogg Day Shift 2
Photo: Courtesy Of Netflix

You’d think that would segue into Snoop turning into a vampire, right? Right?! Instead, Snoop makes the sacrifice play. He insists that Jamie Foxx go on without him, while Snoop stays behind to blow up himself and the remaining vampires. (It’s so Jamie Foxx can go rescue his family. Don’t worry about it.) It’s sad, but all’s well that ends well, because, in the movie’s final moments, Snoop Dogg pops out of the sewer like a teenage mutant ninja turtle, lights up a blunt, and says, “That’s what I love about LA. All the damn vampires!”

How did Snoop survive that blast? Is he a vampire after all? The movie doesn’t specify, despite the fact that this would have been a perfect opportunity to zoom in on his newly-formed fangs or something. (And he doesn’t have fangs, as far as I can tell.) C’mon! The audience would have lost their minds! If you’re going to make Snoop a vampire, you can’t be subtle about it. You’ve really got to hit us over the heads with those fangs.

Oh, well. It’s a wasted opportunity, to be sure. But maybe we’ll see Snoop sipping on gin and blood in Day Shift 2.