The CW’s New Owners Admit the Network Caters to Teens, but Is Viewed by 58-Year-Olds

The CW might not be the teen powerhouse network that we all assumed it was. According to a company executive, the channel is actually pulling in the most attention from a much more mature age group: viewers in their 50s.

Tom Carter, president and chief operating officer of Nexstar Media Group — the company acquiring The CW — shared in a Monday conference call that he and his team plan to create content for older viewers to pull the most profit out of The CW in coming years.

“As many of you are aware, The CW is currently the lowest-rated broadcast network, which we believe largely reflects the fact that its programming is targeted for an 18-to-34 audience demographic, while the average age of the CW broadcast viewer is 58 years,” Carter said, per TV Line. “Over time, we’ll be taking a different approach to our CW programming strategy.”

Now we finally know why they pulled that Riverdale time jump… High schoolers were definitely not watching the show about high schoolers.

All joking aside, the number quoted by Carter is about broadcast ratings. It’s entirely possible (and in fact, probable) that The CW’s programming skews younger on streaming, where the network has focused most of their efforts the past few years. However, with Nexstar’s own focus on their slate of broadcast stations, it’s clear where their priorities lie.

Carter didn’t offer too many specifics about the content shift, but he did say the network will place less of an emphasis on scripted content going forward.

By relying on unscripted content, plus “high-quality syndicated programming,” The CW under Nexstar ownership will make “a departure from the prior predominant focus on expensive, original scripted content, which is uncommon among major broadcast networks,” Carter said, per TV Line.

Nexstar will acquire a 75% majority stake in the CW Network over six months after the network’s sale was first reported. The CW has been co-owned by Paramount Global and Warner Bros. Discovery since 2006; each will keep a 12.5% ownership in the network and produce content for The CW going forward.

While Riverdale has been one of The CW’s biggest hits over the past few years, the teen drama is finally wrapping up after 7 seasons on air. The CW is also known for All American, The Flash and Roswell, New Mexico, but after today’s call, it sounds like the days of high school romance and teen drama on The CW are numbered.