Queue And A

Patton Oswalt on ‘I Love My Dad’, and His Busy Career: “If It Holds My Interest, Then I’ll Do a Good Job”

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It would not be wholly inaccurate to suggest that Patton Oswalt is somewhat of an ubiquitous presence when it comes to comedies, regularly rearing his head in small film roles and popping up as a guest star – either in person or as a voice – on various TV series. That said, Oswalt does occasionally get the opportunity to serve as a leading man on the silver screen, and he’s got a new one which hit theaters last week, as well as VOD: I Love My Dad, where he stars as a dad whose attempts to reconnect with his son via social media go horribly and disconcertingly awry.

Although his current work schedule on the upcoming Apple TV+ series Manhunt is keeping his publicity opportunities relatively short and sweet, Decider was able to hop on the phone with Oswalt for a few minutes, during which time we were able to quiz him about the new film, the aforementioned new series, and a few other recent roles, including The Sandman, Space Force, M.O.D.O.K., and Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Decider: I was able to stream I Love My Dad before hopping on the phone with you, thankfully, but I really wish I’d been able to watch it in a theater, just so I wouldn’t have been able to exercise the option to pause it at the moments when I was doing some serious cringing.

Patton Oswalt: [Laughs] Yeah, seeing this in a theater is quite an experience. Listening to people react to it around you… Oh, good lord.

So how did you find your way into the film in the first place? Did James [Morosini] approach you directly?

The script came to me through my agents. I read it, I loved it, and it was, like, “Oh, let me meet with James!” We met and talked and clicked on a million movies that we loved, but the fact that the script… It was a real green light for me to see a script that is willing to risk complete catastrophic failure. This script was either going to work or be a fiasco. So that’s the kind of dice roll that I like, and I just thought that it really went for it the way that it needed to go for it. It made me really happy.

I actually didn’t realize until after I’d watched the film that James not only starred in the film but wrote and directed it as well.

Yeah! And it actually happened to him! It’s quite a feat.

As I say, I cringed constantly throughout, but it was ultimately heartwarming.

Thank you! Wow, we’re putting that on the poster: “‘Ultimately heartwarming!’ – Decider.” [Laughs.]

I did particularly like the way the film utilized Becca in person as opposed to just someone on the other end of the texts. That’s what makes the film work as well as it does.

Yeah, and that’s Claudia [Sulewski]. She had three roles to play, basically. First she’s playing what I’m typing, with no personality and no inflection. And then she’s playing what Franklin hopes that she’s saying to him. She’s playing a version of herself that he’s dreaming about. It’s no longer Chuck, it’s the fantasy version. And then, of course, she’s playing Becca, the actual Becca, who’s obviously to all of it and is just a nice person living her life who’s about to have emotional Armageddon run into her unbeknownst. So all of that together is just amazing.

My wife and daughter are devoted Catfish watchers, so this is one of those films where they would’ve seen all of this stuff coming. I, however, did not.

[Laughs.] I’m sure you didn’t!

This is one of those relatively rare films where you’re first on the call sheet. Do you enjoy having that opportunity once in awhile, as opposed to all the time?

Yeah, I mean… Well, it depends. I don’t really look in terms of, “What’s the size of my role?” I just want to be doing something interesting, no matter what it is. It could be a short animated film that someone thought was really cool, it could be an indie like this, it could be a big blockbuster. I’m cool with… As long as it’s interesting to me and it’s something original, that’s what I like. If it holds my interest, then I’ll do a good job.

I LOVE MY DAD, from left: James Morosini, Patton Oswalt, 2022. © Magnolia Pictures / Courtesy Everett Collection
Photo: ©Magnolia Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection

How was the awkwardness between you and James when you had to act out the more, uh, enthusiastic moments between Franklin and “Becca”?

Uh, well, luckily it was a run-and-gun shoot. We didn’t have time to think about it. “Set it up and shoot it!” Which I think helped immensely. [Laughs.] We didn’t have time to sit and brood about what was about to go on…and I’m very thankful for that!

Just as a sidebar, Rachel Dratch gives a great, funny performance in the film.

As always! She’s always great.

And it was nice to see Amy Landecker as your ex-wife.

Oh, yeah, I’ve been a fan of hers since A Serious Man. She’s amazing.

I wanted to ask you just briefly about the experience of working on The Sandman. I know that you and Neil Gaiman have at least been acquaintances for many years, and I know you’re a major fan of his work, so that must’ve been crazy to be a part of that series.

Oh, yeah, we’ve been friends for a long time. I stood in line back in ’92 to get my copy of Season of Mists signed, and the fact that they asked me to be Matthew the Raven in this is a big deal. It made me very, very happy. So I’m on cloud nine.

As someone who is a fan, do you feel like they did a good job of bringing it to the screen?

I think they did an amazing job. When you see episode six, where they combine “The Sound of Her Wings” with “Men of Good Fortune” to tell a much bigger overarching tale about friendship and humanity, it is one of the most… All the episodes are great, but that episode especially is beautiful. Beautiful. And it’s such a great palate-cleanser after episode five, which is “24-7,” the diner, which… [Starts to laugh.] Holy shit, it’s one of the most scariest things I’ve ever seen!

I’m looking forward to the opportunity to fanboy out.

Oh, you’re gonna love it!

And as long as we’re talking Netflix, I wanted to praise you in particular for your work on season two of Space Force.

Thank you! I had a lot of fun doing that.

It was moving, that episode.

Oh, man. Thanks, dude, I appreciate it!

That was one of those series that really found its footing in its second season, so I was legitimately pissed that it didn’t get a third.

Yeah, me, too. They really figured out the angle into that world, and then it was too late. It sucks. It’s very frustrating. So technically my character is still adrift among the stars.

But what a way to go.

Exactly. [Laughs.] Ashes to ashes…

SPACE FORCE, Patton Oswalt, (Season 2, ep. 206, aired Feb. 18, 2022). photo: Aaron Epstein / ©Netflix / Courtesy Everett Collection
Photo: ©Netflix/Courtesy Everett Collection

Being as I’m a fanboy, I’m also disappointed that M.O.D.O.K. didn’t get a second season.

Yeah, but we got to do the episodes that we wanted to do, and we got to make a show that… I mean, it’s exactly what I wanted it to be. I couldn’t have been happier.

And just in terms of one-offs, I was curious what it was like for you to finally get to do an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Oh, man, it was so amazing. I love everyone on that show, and to get to do a scene with Vince [Vaughn] and especially with…not just Larry, but with Richard Kind! Watching Larry try to keep his shit together while Richard Kind is talking… I mean, there were so many outtakes for that scene, because Richard Kind is so goddamned brilliant, and he just was destroying everybody. [Laughs.] I’m literally laughing right now just thinking about that scene, just the way he goes, “I was at the bookstore…” And you realize it’s going to be the most boring story you’ve ever heard. Oh, God, I loved doing it.

I know I’m going to be told to wrap up at any moment, but I’m thrilled that you’ve gotten the opportunity to do a historical epic.

Yes! I’m doing Manhunt. Which is a great book, by the way. I listened to it on tape. Oh, my God. I thought John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln, and then they eventually caught him. No, the whole country was hanging in the balance! If they didn’t catch that guy, he was going to go down to the south and try to restart the Civil War… And probably would have! It was huge! Holy crap! We’ve been shooting it, and so far I’ve been very lucky. I’ve been able to shoot with directors like Carl Franklin – you know, One False Move and Devil with a Blue Dress – and John Dahl, who did Red Rock West and The Last Seduction. So I’m in movie nerd heaven. I’m so happy.

This interview has been edited for clarity and length.

Will Harris (@NonStopPop) has a longstanding history of doing long-form interviews with random pop culture figures for the A.V. Club, Vulture, and a variety of other outlets, including Variety. He’s currently working on a book with David Zucker, Jim Abrahams, and Jerry Zucker. (And don’t call him Shirley.)