Bill Maher Still Insists College Is “A Giant Scam” Despite Biden’s Loan Forgiveness On ‘Real Time’

Last night on HBO‘s Real Time With Bill Maher, the topic of higher education was on the docket and the late night host doubled down on his previous stance that going to college was “a giant scam.”

Maher’s comments came during a larger discussion with Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and filmmaker Rob Reiner about President Biden’s plan to forgive some student loan debt, which was announced this week.

The comedian argued that college is a “consumer product that they’re selling you as a golden ticket” to reach the upper middle class, but it is unnecessary for the majority of trades. He said society’s continued push for American students to go to college for jobs that don’t require a degree is a scam.

Elaborating on his views, Maher claimed he has spoken to nurses, administrators and teachers who complain that it is necessary for them to attain another degree once they reach a certain point in their careers and want to advance.

“They all have this complaint that at a certain point they need more ‘education’ to advance in their career, when really, they know exactly what they’re doing,” Maher said.

On Wednesday, Biden announced that the federal government will forgive up to $10,000 in federal student loans for borrowers making less than $125,000 annually. It will also forgive up to $20,000 for those in the same salary range but who also received a Pell Grant.

Maher accused Democrats of believing education to be the solution to “everything,” as Republicans do with tax cuts.

He added that a “vast majority of Americans” didn’t go to college, and therefore, don’t benefit from Biden’s plan. He mentioned to Klobuchar that some Democrats are divided on the issue of student loan debt forgiveness.

“Where are you on that one?” he asked the senator.

Klobuchar said Biden’s plan aims to help people who earn less per year, and most of the money goes to people making less than $75,000 annually.

She said the plan will help nurses, teachers and electricians, and many people who have community college loans. The only thing she would have done different, however, would be to dedicate debt forgiveness efforts to jobs such as those in health care and assisted living that are hard-to-fill.

“If people will go into those jobs instead of being hedge fund managers, then we could actually put the loan repayment help and have it connect to people going into the jobs that we need to fill,” said Klobuchar. “I think that would be a way to do it, but I do think it’s important for people to understand, this is a targeted program that he put out.”

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