Nicole Brown Simpson’s Family and Prosecutor Blast Chris Rock for “Distasteful” Joke: “He Crossed the Line”

Chris Rock isn’t in the clear yet. Just days after comparing his Oscars slap to Nicole Brown Simpson’s murder, her sister is speaking out.

According to the Arizona RepublicRock made a joke regarding why he declined to host the Academy Awards during a recent set in Phoenix, Arizona. Referencing the last show, in which actor Will Smith slapped Rock onstage for making a joke about his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, the comedian said going back to the awards show would be like if Simpson were to “go back to the restaurant” where she left her glasses just before she was murdered.

Only a couple of days after fans rushed to Twitter to slam Rock for the insensitive joke, saying that Smith should’ve slapped him “even harder,” Simpson’s sister, Tanya Brown, made her own statement calling out the actor.

“Nothing is more lovely than to wake up on a Tuesday morning (Not) with TMZ calling you saying Chris Rock made a horrible ‘joke’ about Nicole,” she said in an Instagram post, labeling the joke as “BEYOND distasteful!”

Brown went on to slam Rock for the G.I. Jane joke he made toward Smith’s wife back in March. You know, the one that got him slapped in the first place.

“Nothing funny about his joke towards Jada as she suffers from a physical condition and nothing funny about equating an Oscar host invitation to a double homicide,” Brown wrote.

She added that she “always thought he was funny, but he crossed the line with this one,” before telling him to, “Stop using my sister, OJ and Ron [as] part of your cricking comedy act. There are families behind this tragedy!”

Brown wasn’t the only one who came to her sister’s defense. In a private Instagram post obtained by ETChristopher Darden, the prosecutor in Simpson’s trial also blasted Rock.

“I don’t advocate violence but I guess this guy hasn’t learned his lesson. I guess Will failed to slap any sense into him,” Darden wrote. “I know some people who are deeply hurt and offended by this joke. Lame as it is. I mean he has every right to say what he said but maybe if some of his jokes were more general in nature and not so specific as to mock specific people.”

Darden continued, “Nicole was somebody’s mother bruh and Ron was a son and a brother, you know? Do you always have to make a joke at somebody else’s expense? Ain’t you learned nothing from the slap that was heard around the world?”

According to the outlet, Brown commented, “Thank you, Chris.”