Why Does Drew Barrymore Keep Interviewing Guests on The Floor?

Aside from her hit rom-coms, Drew Barrymore is known for her fun and quirky personality. With her daytime talk show, The Drew Barrymore Showwe get to see it on full display as she interviews fellow celebrities. But oftentimes, Barrymore ends up on the floor with her guests — and we can’t help but wonder: why?

Drew Barrymore
Photo: CBS

Just last week, as the 50 First Dates star was interviewing Hillary and Chelsea Clinton about their new AppleTV+ show, Gutsyshe crawled on the floor over to the mother-daughter duo to give them a hug following a rounds of compliments. And when they played a confession game, which involved popping balloons (each with a different question inside), Barrymore spent a majority of the segment on the floor.

Okay, fine. She was picking up the questions as they fell out of the balloon, which seems totally called for. But this wasn’t the only time it happened.

During today’s episode, which aired a Lea Michele interview for the entire duration, the duo started off in chairs placed on Michele’s Funny Girl stage. After returning from the first commercial break, the chairs had disappeared and the actresses were sitting across from one another on the floor — only to return to chairs for the final bit of the conversation.

Drew Barrymore
Photo: CBS

While the back-and-forth is slightly confusing, yesterday’s (Sept. 20) episode gave a bit more explanation behind the setup. As Barrymore interviewed Honk For Jesus, Save Your Soul star Regina Hall, she asked to actress to “bring it down a notch” for a conversation about first dates and breakups.

“You know, if you don’t mind, would you mind bringing it down a notch?” she asked as she scooted off her chair. “There’s something about the floor, it’s just, there’s an intimacy.”

Hall added that being on the floor “feels engaging.”

So there you have it — whenever you see Drew Barrymore ditch her chair for the floor, it’s simply her way of connecting with her guests.

The Drew Barrymore Show airs on weekdays at 9:30 a.m. ET on ABC.