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Who Is the Mole? Here’s Who ‘The Mole’ 2022 Clues Indicate Is the Secret Saboteur

The Mole is more than a guessing game. It’s a competition show, sure, and it’s also a kind of social experiment, but most of all it’s a mystery — and you can’t solve a mystery with wild guesses. You need clues. Fortunately, Netflix’s revival of The Mole is full of ’em, and every single clue points to the identity of the player who’s sabotaging the mission. We’re coming up on the final two episodes and we’re down to just five players remaining. Who is the Mole? And will the Mole successfully evade detection? Considering that Episode 8 ended with one more player on the verge of elimination, the Mole’s odds of evading detection are about to get even smaller. SPOILERS ahead for Episodes 1-8, of course.

But here at Decider, we don’t wait for the odds to be in our favor. We make bold proclamations and we have the facts to back ’em up! That’s why I’m gonna go on and state clearly and plainly who the Mole is, and I’m gonna stand by my answer no matter what. Why do I think I’ve already solved the mystery? Because I’ve watched and rewatched every available episode and analyzed all of the moves that every player has made thus far. And after putting in all of that time, thought, and attention, I’ve reached one undeniable conclusion:

Kesi is the Mole.

Why is Kesi the Mole? What clues have been dropped along the way? If Kesi is the Mole, then what is her strategy? Let’s break all of this down, episode by episode and mission by mission.

UPDATE (10/21/22): Now that The Mole’s finale has been released and the identity of the secret saboteur has been revealed… did we get it right? SPOILERS beyond that link!

Episode 1

Photo: Netflix

The first episode teamed Kesi up with Dom, Will, and Avori on a mission to secure a crate of cash from a tree. Kesi actually helped the team win money on this mission by getting in a harness and helping Avori untie a mess of knots. But like, what was Kesi going to do? Refuse to strap in and instead try to hoist mountains-dressed-as-men Will or Dom up to help Avori? She’d blow her cover immediately.

Episode 2

Photo: Netflix

The jailbreak mission put Kesi into another precarious position. On the plus side, she was paired with chaos agents Greg and Joi, which meant that failure to secure the bag could be blamed on them. On the negative side (for Kesi), she got a phone call with a clue to help her escape. Dom and Casey spent money to make that call, and Kesi would draw attention to herself if she didn’t actually use the intel.

Reminder: early in the game, it’s up to the Mole to remain undetected and let others draw attention so that players suspect the wrong people and flunk the quiz. The Mole’s mission early on is to fly under the radar and sabotage subtly. This brings us to the exemption mission in Episode 2.

The Mole - Kesi at computer
Photo: Netflix

The players are split into two groups and all they have to do to win money is not push a red button. But whichever team first deciphers a password and then pushes the button wins exemption. Kesi’s team decides to wait it out, but as soon as they learn that the other team is going for it? Kesi’s tasked with entering in the passwords and… the girl spells “neon” “neone” right in front of Jacob and Will, who are like, “What are you doing?” Her response: “I don’t think it’d be [spelled like] the element.” The element is spelled “neon” — it’s neon! Neon! This locked her team out of the computer and wasted their time, ensuring that one of her teammates would get the chop.

Episode 3

Photo: Netflix

During the mission to retrieve cash from the bottom of the ocean, Kesi’s team was tasked with spotting a dinghy from above. This episode’s storyline, though, was mainly focused on how Avori was intentionally sabotaging the mission so that people would suspect her. She spots the dinghy and neglects to tell everyone else, but who’s that sitting behind her also not telling everyone else about the dinghy? Kesi.

Episode 4

Photo: Netflix

Episode 4 starts with a simple choice: bring eliminated player Dom back into the game and add money to the prize pot, or let him drive off into the sunset. Of course the Mole wouldn’t want to bring Dom back — and that’s why Kesi lucks out when Sandy immediately nixes the chances of Dom returning. This means Kesi can safely say, “oh, no, we want dom back, please” without worrying that it will actually happen.

The Mole - Kesi at computer
Photo: Netflix

Then came the bank heist and the moment when Kesi’s Mole-ishness became apparent to at least one player. Kesi’s role is to assist her team remotely. When they get to a room full of lockers, Kesi has the directory of names associated with them. Instead of offering any clues, she essentially throws her hands up in the air and lets her team wander around, unlocking random lockers of junk. The names associated with the lockers are clues (G. Locks, L. Dorado, K. Midas) but when asked to read the last names over the walkie talkies, Kesi literally just reads the last names. Will later says that if he’d heard “L. Dorado” he would’ve known that was a clue. Greg, one of the teammates screwed over in this challenge, now has Kesi in his sights.

Episode 5

Photo: Netflix

All Kesi’s team has to do is secure three bags of money hanging from some posts while whizzing by on a mail train. Greg goes first and secures the bag, literally. Kesi — who is taller, has a longer reach, and is more athletic than Greg — completely misses her bag, knocking it irretrievably to the ground. Greg takes over for Bag #3 and nabs it. This one seems clearcut.

The Mole - Kesi smiling
Photo: Netflix

Later in the ep, Kesi throws the exemption challenge. It’s impossible for me to succinctly sum up this mission and have it make sense, so fingers crossed you watched the episode because otherwise this is going to sound mad. Kesi was sitting on a detonator and was therefore eating good food, and she bluffed her way almost to the very end. She then got herself eliminated by reacting suspiciously and thus dramatically increased the odds that no detonator-players would reach the end, thus blowing up the prize money.

This show is bizarre.

Episode 6

Photo: Netflix

This one’s simple: Kesi put prize money in her bag and then was the first to stay behind. This move cost the group money before the mission even began. And Kesi avoided detection by coming up with the plan — they should pick one strong and one weak player to stay behind at the start — and letting Avori suggest that Kesi stay behind. Kesi also put prize money in Casey and Joi’s bags, because — as Casey even says — she and Joi are the least athletic of the group.

The Mole - Kesi with mole card
Photo: Netflix

For the exemption mission, the cast are chained together in a cold warehouse and told that as long as they all unlock themselves one at a time, they’ll get to spend the night in a hotel and add money to the pot. However, should one of the players unlock themselves and snatch an exemption card, all the money is gone and every player following them must remain in the warehouse overnight.

The players nominate Kesi as the most trustworthy player — exactly what the Mole wants to hear — and lets her unlock herself first. She does so… and takes the exemption, thus banishing everyone else to the worst sleepover ever. Why would Kesi do this? Isn’t it blatantly Mole-ish behavior? It is, but you gotta factor in that Kesi was just given proof that most people trust her and, uh, Joi already cost the group $25,000 in order to secure an exemption earlier this season. That established precedence for people to do wild things for that red card. And Kesi’s betrayal didn’t really change anyone’s opinion of her — including Greg, who remains the only person who suspects her.

Episode 7

Photo: Netflix

Both Greg and Will feel that Jacob is the liar, whereas Kesi thinks it’s Avori. Kesi’s the one who tries to sway the other two. This episode is rather uneventful, but there’s that.

Episode 8

Photo: Netflix

Greg’s elimination just may be the smoking gun. Greg spent pretty much the entire season as the only person consistently convinced that Kesi was the Mole — and with good reason, as he was teamed with her during the bank heist and mail run missions. Greg got through every quiz because he was favoring Kesi as the Mole.

And then Joi gave a huge speech accusing Jacob of being the — and I quote — “shithole Mole.” What happens next? Greg is eliminated. Why was Greg suddenly eliminated?

The Mole - Greg eliminated
Photo: Netflix

Joi got in Greg’s head and had him switch some of his answers to Jacob instead of Kesi — and, boom, he’s gone.

Now with so few players remaining, and the person who suspected her most gone, Kesi can be a lot more reckless with her sabotage in the next mission. It helps that she’s teamed with Joi, the player everyone — including me! — initially suspected of being the Mole. When it comes down to Kesi or Joi accusing each other, who are Avori, Jacob, or Will going to side with? It’s a toss-up.

The Mole - Kesi looking through binoculars
Photo: Netflix

So, on their quest to free Avori from a bird cage (… what is this show?), Joi spots a guy in a red shirt with a flock of pigeons with her naked eye. And Kesi? She focuses on one pigeon on the other side of the roof and then can’t find this guy… and she has binoculars. Joi internally accuses Kesi of stalling, and she’s right.

The Mole - Kesi and pigeons
Photo: Netflix

Then when it comes time to pick the pigeon that Avori’s describing, Joi picks the right one because Avori does a very good job describing it… and Kesi insists it’s another one. She digs her heels in and makes them rock paper scissors for it, which baffles Joi! Thankfully Joi wins and they get to follow the right pigeon. Greg may be gone, but Joi is now on to Kesi.

To sum up: Kesi has the be the Mole. She was able to let other players draw attention early on, thus covering her work as the Mole. She’s avoided detection and even been called trustworthy. And the instant the one player who suspected her changed his mind a teeny bit, he was eliminated. If it’s not Kesi, then who is it?

… Honestly it could be anyone because this is a produced TV program with an edited narrative and who knows what we have and have not been shown! Still, it’s fun to play the part of a sleuth, isn’t it?