Geena Davis Rejected Jack Nicholson’s Sexual Advances Because of Dustin Hoffman

Geena Davis opened up about the piece of Hollywood advice she received from her Tootsie costar Dustin Hoffman, which led her to shutting down Jack Nicholson’s sexual advances.

In an interview with The New Yorker, Davis said the famed actor advised her to not sleep with her costars. She recalled Hoffman saying, “Well, you’re very attractive. I would love to, but it would ruin the sexual tension between us.” Davis added, “And I saved that advice away.”

But, that didn’t work out in Nicholson’s favor. Davis, who worked as a model prior to making her film debut, said that after the 1982 rom-com premiered, she went with her modeling agent to network with casting directors. She shared, “He [the modeling agent] happened to know Jack Nicholson, and every single night Jack Nicholson had dinner with us. Then one day there was a note under the door that said, ‘Please call Jack Nicholson at this number.'”

As one does when they get Nicholson’s number, Davis called him. She told The New Yorker, “I was, like, I can’t believe it! So I said, ‘Hello, Mr. Nicholson. This is Geena the model. You called me?'” In response, Nicholson allegedly said, “Hey, Geena. When is it gonna happen?” in reference to them hooking up.

With Hoffman’s advice in mind, she responded, “Uh, Jack, I would love to. You’re very attractive. But I have a feeling we’re going to work together at some point in the future, and I would hate to have ruined the sexual tension between us.” And while the two have yet to star in a project together, never say never.

While doing press for her new memoir, Dying of Politeness: A Memoir, Davis recently made headlines for talking about the abuse she received from her Quick Change costar Bill Murray (who is also in hot water for sexual misconduct on set of the now-suspended film Being Mortal). The 66-year-old actor said that after being introduced to the Ghostbusters actor in a hotel room, he “insisted” on using “a massage device” on her.

She shared, “I said no multiple times, but he wouldn’t relent. I would have had to yell at him and cause a scene if I was to get him to give up trying to force me to do it; the other men in the room did nothing to make it stop. I realized with profound sadness that I didn’t yet have the ability to withstand this onslaught — or to simply walk out.” Davis added that he also reprimanded her “for being late” while she was waiting for her wardrobe.

Geena Davis’ Dying of Politeness: A Memoir was released October 11, 2022.