Remorseless James Corden Begrudgingly Admits He’ll “Have to” Talk About Balthazar Ban on ‘Late Late Show’: “I Haven’t Done Anything Wrong, On Any Level”

James Corden is getting ready to share his side of the Balthazar ban heard round the internet. The comedian, who was blasted by restaurateur Keith McNally for his rude behavior at the SoHo hotspot in a biting social media post earlier this week, said he plans to address the allegations on Monday’s episode of The Late Late Show.

Corden said he’ll chat about the Balthazar ban with his audience during a conversation with The New York Times. The late night host had agreed to The Times interview before McNally blew up Instagram this week with his accusations, but Corden couldn’t avoid the topic.

“I haven’t done anything wrong, on any level,” Corden told the Times. “I was there. I get it. I feel so Zen about the whole thing. Because I think it’s so silly. I just think it’s beneath all of us. It’s beneath you. It’s certainly beneath your publication.”

Corden “did not give his own account of what had happened,” per The Times, and initially avoided the topic of McNally and his ban. When asked by The Times reporter “if he was feeling all right,” Corden replied, “About what? What do you mean?”

But he gave a more direct reply when asked point blank about the conflict between himself and McNally, telling The Times, “I haven’t really read anything. It’s strange. It’s strange when you were there. I think I’m probably going to have to talk about it on Monday’s show. My feeling, often, is, never explain, never complain. But I’ll probably have to talk about it.”

Corden even denied how big the story had grown, claiming nobody has approached him about it in New York.

“Should we not all be a little grown-up about this?” he asked. “I promise you, ask around this restaurant. They don’t know about this. Maybe 15 percent of people. I’ve been here, been walking around New York, not one person’s come up to me. We’re dealing in two worlds here.”

Corden’s chat with The Times is the first public response he’s shared to the McNally debacle, which kicked off with a Monday (Oct. 17) Instagram post in which the Balthazar owner slammed Corden for his mistreatment of staff and proclaimed he was no longer welcome at the restaurant.

McNally quickly reversed the ban that same day, telling his followers in a second Instagram post that Corden had apologized, and he was willing to give him a “second chance.”

To see what Corden has to say about the whole mess, tune in to The Late Late Show next Monday (Oct. 24) at 12:37 PM ET on CBS.