Who Is ‘The Mole’ on Netflix Season 1? The 2022 Winner Revealed [SPOILERS]

It’s the question every Netflix subscriber has been asking for weeks now: who is the Mole? Netflix’s revival of the cult classic reality competition series The Mole has captured plenty of attention and led to lots of debate online and IRL. And now that the players have been whittled down to four contestants and one mole, we’re all closer than ever to finding out who the Mole really is. So now that the final two episodes are out on Netflix (go and stream them now if you haven’t because we are getting into SPOILERS ASAP!), let’s break down that massive Mole reveal.

So, are you ready to find out who the Mole is? You’ve already watched the final two episodes, right? Or you don’t care to be spoiled? Don’t hope in our mentions and complain if we spoil it for you, because unlike the Mole, we’ve given ample warning as to our intentions.

Who is the Mole?

Ready? The Mole has been revealed and Decider was right.

The Mole finalists
Photo: Netflix

The Mole was Kesi all along! All of the events of the final two episodes played along exactly as they should with Kesi being the Mole. Jacob was eliminated right away, which made sense because he only suspected Avori as the Mole whereas Joi suspected Kesi and Will. Joi got more answers right on that quiz. Then Avori was the next to go, because she suspected Joi. And going into the final three, Joi suspected Will and Will suspected Kesi. Kesi suspected Joi but, like, that was just for show because Kesi was the Mole. In the end, Kesi was revealed as the Mole and Will was crowned the winner of Season 1 of this revival.

Who won The Mole 2022 Season 1?

The winner of the inaugural season of Netflix’s The Mole was Will, who accurately guessed that the Mole was Kesi. And despite what the editors tried to make us believe to throw us off Kesi’s trail, Will never did anything suspicious. He only added money to the pot in every single mission ��� and we know, because we’ve analyzed this season from beginning to end! All of the footage they showed to try to make us think Will might be the Mole was missing crucial context. He stole that case of money on night one in order to double its value. Him tripping a laser in the bank heist mission meant nothing. Him being tired on the snowy mountain mission was understandable since he hiked up a mountain in the snow carrying a bunch of ice blocks.

Now, should Joi have won? She definitely played the more chaotic and strategic game, and her going from clueless to cutthroat halfway through the season made for great TV. In the end, she should have suspected Kesi after watching her sabotage three missions in a row.

Photo: Netflix

How did the Mole sabotage the missions?

After revealing that Kesi is the Mole, host Alex Wagner sat the reunited cast down and played Kesi’s video diary, which she’d been keeping all along. As Kesi revealed, she didn’t start sabotaging right away. She helped out in the first mission so as to not draw any attention. Then during the prison mission, she stalled as long as possible; she totally saw the key outside her door right away but didn’t mention it. During the bank heist mission, she absolutely knew that K. Midas and L. Dorado were clues — which is why she never read those names to her team. She couldn’t resist throwing the mail run mission by missing her bag of cash while speeding by on a train. For the chained up mission, she took exemption because she wanted the people who suspected her to think that she was a player in need of exemption (remember, the Mole was guaranteed a spot until the end). And in the last missions, especially the snowy mountain one, she just plain sabotaged right in the light of day. Kesi was shoving ice blocks of cash off that sled and Joi still didn’t end up suspecting her.

And really, this rundown doesn’t get into half of it. If you want an episode-by-episode breakdown of Kesi’s sabotage, you can read our assessment of the season ahead of the finale. Again, not to brag, but we guessed it… and okay, we’re bragging. It feels good to be right about something! Don’t judge us! And whenever we get The Mole Season 2, make sure you come back to Decider to see if we get it right again.