James Corden Admits to Making A “Rude Comment” to Balthazar Servers on ‘The Late Late Show’, But Backs Off a Full Apology: “I Didn’t Call Anyone Names”

On last night’s (Oct. 25) episode of The Late Late Show, James Corden shared his side of the Balthazar controversy that spun after restaurateur Keith McNally blasted him on Instagram for being rude.

“When you make a mistake, you’ve got to take responsibility,” Corden said. “So a couple of weeks ago, I was in New York with some friends and we went for breakfast at one of my absolute favorite restaurant is a place called Balthazar. I genuinely love it there. I love the food, the vibe, the service. If I lived in New York, I’d go every day.”

The talk show host explained that when the group ordered, his wife told the server that she has a “serious food allergy,” and when their food arrived, she was given the food she was allergic to. He recounted sending the food back and continuing to receive the incorrect order. Upon the third try, Corden said he “made a sarcastic, rude comment about cooking it himself.”

During his apology the actor sympathized with waitstaff. He said, “I worked shifts at restaurants for years. I have such respect, and I value anyone that does such a job.”


Corden also addressed the comments he made to The New York Times last week where he insisted that he” hasn’t done anything wrong, on any level.” He said, “Because I didn’t shout or scream. Like, I didn’t get up out of my seat. I didn’t call anyone names or use derogatory language. I’ve been walking around thinking that I hadn’t done anything wrong, but the truth is that I have made a rude, rude comment.”

He continued to say that next time he’s in the Big Apple, he plans to “go there [to Balthazar] and apologize in person.” And while that comment could be from the good in his heart, it could also be his quest to fulfill McNally’s bet that if Corden apologizes to the servers he “insulted,” he can “eat for free at Balthazar for the next 10 years.” Checkmate.