Alyssa Farah Griffin Predicts Trump Will Return to Twitter In “A Matter of Days” and Stir More “Drama” with “Unhinged” Rhetoric

While Twitter could turn into a “free-for-all hellscape” after Elon Musk’s acquisition of the social network, The View co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin says it’s not all bad news. The conservative commentator, who previously worked in the Trump White House, told her co-hosts that if and when Donald Trump‘s Twitter account is reinstated, the former president could tweet his way out of 2024 victory.

Trump was banned from Twitter by the company after the 2021 insurrection, and created his own site, Truth Social, which has been predictably much less popular, despite his frequent tirades (including a lengthy screed against late night comics and Saturday Night Live).

Musk, whose Twitter deal closed yesterday (Oct. 27), has previously said he wants to make the site a “digital town square” with a bigger emphasis on free speech. Griffin said she thinks the new Twitter owner “has a huge uphill battle … to figure out how he’s gonna control or have a free speech platform without having just actual hatred out there.”

She explained, “The problem is this: Ayatollah Khamenei, the leader of Iran who’s overseeing egregious human rights abuses against these women who are bravely speaking out, is on Twitter. I think it’s hard to argue then, the former president of the United States can’t be on.”

Griffin said she predicts Trump’s suspension will be lifted and he’ll return to Twitter in “only a matter of days,” but painted a rather rosy picture of the future.

“Some good news for you ladies at the table: I think it hurts him to be on Twitter. I don’t think his crazy statements get as much pickup on Truth Social as they did on Twitter,” Griffin said. “This past week, he came after me on Truth Social [and] no one noticed it. It was like if a tree falls in the woods, only that little sector who’s on Truth saw it.”

But, she explained, “Twitter is different,” continuing, “He’s gonna have a way bigger platform and it’s gonna remind voters of how unhinged he was, how much drama he created, and it’s gonna make republicans have to answer for everything. It’s not good for the party or for him.”

Only time will tell how correct Griffin’s prediction will be, but for now, let’s enjoy the remaining peace and quiet of a Trump-less Twitter before the all-caps late night rants start pouring back in.

The View airs weekdays at 11/10c on ABC. See Griffin’s comments in full in the video above.