Bill Maher Predicts GOP Victory In 2022 Midterms: “Democracy Is Going To Lose”

Last night on HBO‘s Real Time with Bill Maher, the 2022 midterm elections were front and center and Maher doesn’t have his hopes up.

The host expressed concerns about recent polling that shows the GOP in good position to take control of Congress.

“Democracy is on the ballot and unfortunately, it’s going to lose,” Maher said during his “New Rule” segment of the show.

Maher continued: “Everything in America is about to change in a fundamental way” after the “most important election ever.”

He also encouraged his audience to vote for the party that still supports “democracy preservation.”

“It’s also a waste of breath because anyone who believes that is already voting, and anyone who needs to learn that isn’t watching, and no one in America can be persuaded of anything anymore anyway,” he said.

Maher said the public hearings of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection did nothing to sway public opinion. In fact, the number of people who think Donald Trump did nothing wrong went up.

“Ben Franklin said our country was a ‘republic, if you can keep it.’ Well, we can’t, and unless a miracle happens on Tuesday, we didn’t. Democracy is on the ballot, and unfortunately, it’s going to lose,” Maher said. “And once it’s gone, it’s gone.”

Polls are certainly predicting that Republicans will likely regain control of the House in the midterm elections and have a chance of regaining the majority in the Senate. GOP candidates in various races across the country have closed the polling gaps with their Democratic rivals and in some cases taken or expanded leads in recent weeks.

Maher believes that once Republicans retake control of Congress, they will start impeaching President Biden and “never stop.” He said they will impeach him for overseeing the botched evacuation of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, supporting Ukraine, inflation, a recession and “falling off his bike.”

Multiple ultra conservative members of Congress and candidates have called for impeaching Biden over issues like the economy and border security, but House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has downplayed the likelihood of the GOP doing so.

Maher said Biden will be a “crippled duck” when he runs against former President Trump, who is expected to announce a third bid for the 2024 election cycle in a couple weeks.

The late night host added that even if Trump loses, he will “show up” to the inauguration in 2025 and have behind him an “army of election deniers” who will be elected in the midterms Tuesday.

He specifically called out Tim Michels, the GOP nominee for governor in Wisconsin, for comments he made about future elections.

“This really is the crossing the Rubicon moment, when election deniers are elected, which is often how countries slide into authoritarianism,” Maher said. “Not with tanks in the streets but by the electing people who then have no intention of ever giving it back.”

You can watch Maher’s full “New Rule” segment above.