Bizarre Video Of Heavily Bandaged Jay Leno Airs On ‘Inside Edition’

Jay Leno is expected to make a full recovery after the comedian was badly burned when a car erupted in his garage last weekend. In some truly bizarre new footage that aired on last night’s Inside EditionLeno is seen recovering in a hyperbaric chamber at the Grossman Burn Center in Los Angeles, where he’s been undergoing treatment since being admitted on Sunday (Nov. 13).

Dr. Peter Grossman, who is treating the late night comic, told Inside Edition that Leno is in good condition and has been moving about despite his injuries. He’s even been passing out cookies to other patients in the burn center and “cracking jokes.”

According to Dr. Grossman, Leno wants to be open about his condition and recovery — which explains the wild hyperbaric chamber footage shared with Inside Edition showing the comic chatting with a nurse while bandaged, gesticulating with his hands while wearing nothing but a hospital gown. (We sincerely hope this footage doesn’t end up on WikiFeet.) The video notably does not show Leno’s face, which is understandable considering he’s recovering from suffering “fairly significant” and “deep” second and third-degree burns to his face that required skin grafts to repair; nor do we hear his voice.

The doctor also offered a hopeful look at the future for Leno, saying he’s looking at a solid recovery.

“As I’m getting to learn about Jay, I don’t think it’s going to be months,” he said. “I really think he’s the type of guy who’s just going to move forward.”

As for the lasting damage of the burns, Dr. Grossman told Inside Edition Leno will have visible scars “for the forseeable future,” after receiving skin grafts, but added, “Our hope is that ultimately they will be minimally visible, or maybe not at all.”

While Leno himself has been understandably quiet about his injuries, he did share a statement with Variety after being admitted to the hospital. He told the outlet on Monday, “I got some serious burns from a gasoline fire. I am ok. Just need a week or two to get back on my feet.”

See the full Inside Edition segment in the video above.