More Like Jesse Ass-enberg: ‘Fleishman Is in Trouble’ Has Way More Jesse Eisenberg Butt Nudity Than You’re Expecting

There’s a surprising amount of intimacy in Fleishman Is in Trouble, FX’s new drama about a divorced father whose wife mysteriously disappears one day. A large part of that vulnerability is emotional as the series deftly explores the anger, sorrow, and pettiness that emerges when someone we love fails us. But a good chunk of that intimacy is also literal. This is all to ask, have you ever wanted to see Jesse Eisenberg‘s butt? What’s that? You’ve never thought about it? Too bad because it’s coming in hot.

In fact, Jesse Eisenberg’s butt appears so often in Fleishman Is in Trouble, it feels like a character in its own right. It’s there when he’s at his post-divorce best, hooking up with random New York women left and right. It’s there when he says screw it all and walks naked in his downgrade of an apartment, basking in the odd joy that comes with being completely alone and able to do whatever you want. It’s there when he takes an introspective skinny dip in the pool his wife owns. Eisenberg was clearly comfortable with bearing it all for this miniseries, and Fleishman Is in Trouble took him up on that offer.

Toby (Jesse Eisenberg) floating naked in a pool in Fleishman Is in Trouble
Photo: FX

As unexpected as this nudity may be, it never feels misplaced. So much of Fleishman Is in Trouble’s story boils down to perception and insecurities, and it’s clear that Toby (Eisenberg) truly believed that when he was with his ex-wife Rachel (Claire Danes), he was unable to be his authentic self. Through this lens, Toby’s many naked moments become empowering. For years, he had to downplay his beliefs, avoid his friends, and pretend that he was more interested in the corporate ladder than he was, all so that he could please Rachel. Now, in her absence, he’s free of those constraints — and his clothes.

But as well as this nudity works tonally, it doesn’t change the fact that seeing Eisenberg ass is, frankly, jarring. On some level, yes, Jesse Eisenberg is an objectively attractive man. His face is symmetrical, and he has delightfully curly hair. Also, based on his many butt-forward scenes, he’s clearly in shape. But Eisenberg is also a star who has built a career out of playing vaguely disturbing misfits. His characters are often either relatable everymen or borderline sociopaths, and not in the hot way. A show that embraces him as a sexual object is a choice. And you know what? When you think about it, it’s pretty fun one.

At the end of the day, most of us don’t look like movie stars. We’re not as fit or tan as we’d like to be, and sometimes our resting face is a scowl. And yet we, the vast population of the world, still manage to get laid and find partners who think we’re sexy. That’s what Jesse Eisenberg’s butt symbolizes. It’s a beacon of truth for the average people in the world to remind us all that, in our own way, we’re hot too.