Tim Allen’s Savage Joke About How Jay Leno’s Face Will Look Better After Burn Surgery: “It Didn’t Look All That Good to Begin With”

After we all saw a surprisingly revealing look at Jay Leno‘s recovery process, we’re getting more insight into his stay at the Grossman Burn Center thanks to his pal, Tim Allen. Leno, whose team shared footage of him recovering in a hyperbaric chamber with Inside Edition this week, is undergoing skin grafts and treatment after one of his cars went up in flames Sunday (Nov. 13), leaving him with burns to his face and chest.

Despite the serious nature of his injuries, Allen says Leno is doing great, which is no surprise after we watched him chatting and animatedly gesturing with a nurse on Inside Edition. While we didn’t see any of Leno’s face in the footage, Allen filled in the blanks for us.

The Santa Clauses star stopped to chat with TMZ after visiting Allen at the Grossman Burn Center in West Hills, Calif. on Thursday (Nov. 17), where he told reporters his friend is on the mend after suffering third-degree burns.

“Jay is good,” he told TMZ, adding, “It’s wonderful because he’s feeling better. … We did some jokes, which is what we do, we commiserated, we just connected as friends. It’s the one thing you can do.”

When asked about Leno’s physical condition — specifically how his face is looking after the accident — Allen replied, “His face looks great,” before quipping, “It didn’t look all that good to begin with, so … no, he’s going with a George Clooney look. You’re going to be surprised.” Sick burn, Tim! (Too soon?)

He added, “He’s handsome and he’s happy, and the hospital is doing a great job taking care of him.”

Leno wants to be as open and honest about his recovery process as possible, according to his doctor, Dr. Peter Grossman, who told Inside Edition the comic has been up and moving about the hospital, passing out cookies to other patients and of course, “cracking jokes.”

And while we heard Allen’s take on Leno’s looks, the doctor offered his own professional opinion, telling the show Leno is expected to have visible scars “for the foreseeable future” following his skin graft surgery,” before sharing, “Our hope is that ultimately they will be minimally visible, or maybe not at all.”