Oh My! George Takei Fires Phasers at “Cantankerous Old Man” William Shatner

George Takei has reignited his feud with his Star Trek co-star William Shatner, keeping alive the clash that’s been going on for nearly 50 years.

The two — who starred on the hit sci-fi series decades ago —  have been keeping busy accusing one another of poor and traitorous behavior for decades, including a 2008 incident in which Shatner was offended that Takei didn’t invite him to his wedding, which the other dismissed as a lie.

Given that this feud has revealed many petty instances, it is beginning to feel like a comedy bit. But nonetheless, the bickering lives on!

While speaking with The Guardian, Takei said the entire Star Trek cast “shared a great camaraderie,” all “except for one” person, who was described as a “prima donna.”

The “one person” was, in fact, Shatner.

The actor continued to say that “none” of the cast got along with Shatner. Takei went on to address a recent incident in which Shatner was promoting his book and accused the other of “using his name” for publicity.

Takei told The Guardian, “I decided I don’t need his name to get publicity. I have much more substantial subject matter that I want to get publicity for, so I’m not going to refer to Bill in this interview at all.”

Recognizing the contradictory nature of his statement, Takei added, “Although I just did. He’s just a cantankerous old man and I’m going to leave him to his devices. I’m not going to play his game,” then continued to say that Shanter was “self-involved” and “enjoyed being the centre of attention.”

“He wanted everyone to kowtow to him,” Takei said.

Earlier this month, Shatner slammed his former Star Trek co-stars in an interview with UK outlet The Times. He said at the time, “Sixty years after some incident they are still on that track. Don’t you think that’s a little weird? It’s like a sickness.”

Shatner then took a shot at Takei specifically, saying, “George has never stopped blackening my name. These people are bitter and embittered. I have run out of patience with them. Why give credence to people consumed by envy and hate?”

Before Shatner’s comments, Takei called his former co-star an “unfit guinea pig” when he was named the oldest person to fly into space after joining Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin space flight.

Rumor had it that the two squashed their feud back in April when Shatner wished Takei a happy birthday, but, as time has shown: rumors are just rumors.