Unhinged ‘MILF Manor’ Trailer Shows Thirsty Moms Lusting After Younger Men: “I Have an Extremely High Libido”

It’s the MILFs’ time to shine! Just when we thought every ridiculous dating show idea had been taken, TLC went and threw a curveball with their upcoming series, MILF Manorwhich pairs eight hot moms with eight ripped younger men.

In a teaser released today, the crew of moms, who are single and ready to mingle, find themselves in a luxurious mansion in Mexico, where they are about to embark on a “dating experience like no other.” It sounds totally and completely promising so far.

But why go after men so young? One mom says she wants a “chance to do me a little,” while another says, “Young men have much more energy, they think out of the box.” Fair enough.

Meanwhile, someone else jumps straight to the point and tells the camera, “I have an extremely high libido. Is that too much? Saying I have an extremely high libido? Should I have just said ‘high libido?'”

However, some are looking to take their decades of dating experience and use it to actually find love. A fourth mom revealed, “I’m ready to connect with somebody who doesn’t really care how old I am.”

We’re not so positive how well that can go, considering the undisclosed “shocking twist” presented at the end of the trailer that left this group of women looking horrified at the sight of their potential hunks.

With one reacting with, “What the hell?” and another revealing, “It just got real,” whatever this “twist” is, it seems like it turns the show upside down.

If you’re thinking MILF Manor sounds strangely familiar, you’re not wrong. It is technically (though possibly unintentionally) taking a page out of 30 Rock‘s book. The Tina Fey-led sitcom included a bit about MILF Island, a fake reality show described as “25 Super-Hot Moms, 50 eighth grade boys, no rules.”

Now we’re finally seeing that premise play out in the real world — whether we asked for it or not.

MILF Manor premieres on Sunday, Jan. 15 at 10/9c on TLC. You can watch the full teaser above.