Erin Kellyman Teases Amar Chadha-Patel Over His ‘Willow’ Beefcake Shower Scene

In Willow Episode 5 “Wildwood,” we finally learn why the Bone Reavers way back in Episode 1 thought Thraxus Boorman (Amar Chadha-Patel) was supposed to be dead. As it happens, Boorman was once friendly with the Bone Reavers’ leader Scorpia (Adwoa Aboah) until he wound up in the Dread Mines of Skellin. A place no one gets out alive. But Boorman did.

While Boorman regales Scorpia with a thrilling tale that casts him as a hero, Disney+‘s Willow reveals the true story. Boorman snuck out of Skellin in a tub of Troll poop. That’s it. There wasn’t a battle. He didn’t sate his bloodlust. He just soaked up a bunch of grossness as his ticket to freedom.

That said, Willow does give Boorman a sort of hero moment. After escaping the Dread Mines of Skellin, we get to watch the warrior shower under a waterfall. The sequence is evocative of silly soap commercials or beefcake photoshoots.

“It was very cleansing,” Willow star Amar Chadha-Patel told Decider, joking that the barrel scene and shower scene were shot quite far apart. “And I’m very method so I didn’t wash ’til that scene.”

“It was hard for us,” co-star Erin Kellyman joked.

“It was fun,” Chadha-Patel said. “I loved it from the moment I read it. I was like, ‘Well, this is actually incredible ’cause I get to recount this tale with all this like dramatic flair, but then the audience will see that he’s absolutely a buffoon.'”

As it happened, shooting the “ridiculous” shower sequence wasn’t as easy as Chadha-Patel anticipated.

“I was like, ‘Oh, this will be five seconds long.’ And we shot it for about 45 minutes,” he said. “They built this incredible waterfall set and it was lit, like, beautifully, but there was really just one thing to achieve and no one really wanted to stop so like, ‘Just keep going!’ And they kept making me do more and more ridiculous stuff.”

“You say ‘making you’ like…” Kellyman said, suggesting Chadha-Patel was lying.

“Yes,” he said.

Kellyman then revealed, “Amar, literally any sort of tiny piece of water, he’s stripping off and he’s getting in. Even if it’s a puddle or like a small lake or a big lake or a sea.”

“I love to swim,” Chadha-Patel said.

“Shoes off, puddling around or completely -”

“I’m a nature boy,” he said.


“Not puddles,” Chadha-Patel contested.

Kellyman said, “You were probably the reason that that went on for forty-five minutes.”

“Yeah, I was enjoying it,” he said.