Hugh Jackman Says Playing Wolverine Has Damaged His Voice

Hugh Jackman, who just finished a successful run of The Music Man on Broadway, doesn’t feel like his singing is what it used to be — thanks to Wolverine.

During a recent appearance on BBC’s Front Row, the X-Men actor revealed that his vocal cords might be permanently damaged from “growling and yelling” in character as the mutant superhero.

“I’ve done some damage to my voice with Wolverine,” said Jackman. “My falsetto is not as strong as it used to be, and that I directly put down to some of the growling and yelling.”

He added: “My vocal teacher in drama school would’ve been horrified with some of the things I did [as Wolverine].”

“We learned a technique [in school] of how to shout and how to yell without ruining your voice. However, during Wolverine, I did some screaming and yelling and things that I think did damage to my voice,” he explained.

Jackman says he’s “working on it,” however. “I work with a singing teacher and I try not to hurt myself. I put a lot of effort into both physical movement and my vocal preparation for every role.”

Wolverine will next appear in Deadpool 3, which is scheduled to premiere on November 8, 2024. Jackman and Ryan Reynolds announced the news of the character’s return in a video posted in September. The Academy Award nominee said his training regimen will begin right away.

“I’ve learned you can’t rush it. I’ve learned that it takes time,” he said during a recent interview with Chris Wallace. “So, we have six months from when I finish [The Music Man] to when I start filming. And I’m not doing any other work. I’m going to be with my family and train.”

“I’m really fit right now. There’s one thing that eight shows a week, being on Broadway, singing and dancing…I’m fit,” he noted. “So, I’m healthy. I have a good place to start.”

Jackman first portrayed the Marvel character in 2000’s X-Men and has since played the role in 9 films. The upcoming third installment of Deadpool will be his 10th.