Don Lemon Accused of “Volatile” Misogynistic, Fatphobic Behavior in Bombshell Report

Don Lemon’s misogynistic behavior allegedly dates back farther than his comments in February, when he made insensitive remarks about 51-year-old Nikki Hayley not being “in her prime” to run for president. 

The CNN anchor was put on blast in a bombshell report published today by Variety. In the article, over a dozen former and current colleagues open up about their experience with Lemon, many alleging misogynistic and fatphobic behavior from the anchor, with one source even describing him as “volatile.”

According to Variety sources, Lemon’s unfavorable behavior includes, but is not limited to, calling a producer “fat” to her face and disrespecting his former colleagues, Nancy Grace and Soledad O’Brien

Grace declined to comment on the allegations; however, a source stated that Grace thinks Lemon is “an ass” and was always “rude, dismissive and really unfamiliar with the [news] content being discussed.” 

A witness to the incident added, “That was the beginning of when you knew that Don was kind of volatile and didn’t say good things about women.” 

The comments toward O’Brien allegedly occurred during an editorial meeting which included about 30 employees. 

O’Brien anchored CNN’s American Morning and Starting Point prior to her exit in 2013. She also hosted the documentary series Latino In America and anchored the CNN special Black in America, the latter of which allegedly made Lemon upset. 

During an editorial call, two witnesses reported that Lemon was offended that he wasn’t “front and center” of the “high-profile” project, and in retaliation, suggested that O’Brien isn’t Black. 

O’Brien told Variety, “Don has long had a habit of saying idiotic and inaccurate things, so it sounds pretty on brand for him.”

A CNN spokesperson also responded to the claim, stating, “Don, Soledad and others have in the past correctly referred to her Afro-Cuban heritage as it is a unique part of her personal story. But Don denies making any related remark in a derogatory way.” 

In addition, Lemon was accused of sending threatening texts to his former co-anchor Kyra Phillips while she was on an assignment in Iraq that Lemon wanted to cover himself. One of the text messages she received reportedly read, “Now you’ve crossed the line, and you’re going to pay for it.” 

In addition, he allegedly raided Phillips’ desk and tore apart her notes and belongings.

Sources claim that the texts were traced back to Lemon, but the network chose to demote Lemon rather than formally announce their findings.

Lemon also received criticism from Goldie Taylor, a former CNN consultant, who tweeted that she was “banned” from CNN in 2016 after she critiqued one of Lemon’s broadcasts. 

Taylor told Variety, “I’m never surprised when Don gets in trouble. It makes me neither happy nor sad to see him undermine his own success. There was a time when it appeared that Black people were most often the subject of his ire. Now, it seems to me that when he says something offensive, there’s almost always a woman on the other side.” 

Sources called Lemon’s behavior “diva-like” and said he craves fame and power. 

Recently, Lemon was benched from his regular talk show CNN This Morning after his aforementioned sexist comments towards Hayley. He returned Feb. 22 to make amends after completing “formal training” by the network.

After the incident, Lemon apologized for his comments, tweeting, “The reference I made to a woman’s ‘prime’ this morning was inartful and irrelevant, as colleagues and loved ones have pointed out, and I regret it.”