Alyssa Farah Griffin Refuses to Engage With “Lunatic” Trump on ‘The View’ After He Blasts Her as a “Phony”

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The View co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin joined the cast of the show after she left her job as a special assistant to Donald Trump during his time in the White House, and despite her conservative leanings, she has been an outspoken critic of her former boss since quitting her job with him in 2020.

After Trump’s recent controversial Town Hall on CNN, Griffin defended the network (which she also works for), saying, “America got to see who he is last night: a ranting, raving lunatic, who sided with Vladimir Putin,” per Deadline.

Despite the fact that Griffin has consistently condemned Trump for over two years, the former President didn’t take kindly to her recent comments, and in response he wrote on his Truth Social platform, “Word is that they are revolting at the View and CNN, and want Farrah [sic] OUT!,” per Deadline.

He added, “She tried to delete out her words but we got them ALL. I don’t see how she lasts because this ‘stuff’ shows what a phony she is. MUCH MORE TO COME!”

On Monday’s episode of The View, Griffin didn’t respond directly to Trump’s insults, but instead she hit him where she knew it would hurt most: by throwing her support behind presidential hopeful Sen. Tim Scott, who announced his candidacy in the 2024 race, where he will likely face off against Trump.

Griffin said on the show, “I love that this is a contrast to Donald Trump. What Tim Scott brings is a traditional conservative other than just grievance…I’m hoping there’s a juxtaposition here to Trump that resonates with people. Tim Scott is someone I could support and I’m excited that he’s in the race.”

Griffin of all people knows how to rankle Trump: ignore him and endorse his competition.

The View airs weekdays at 11/10c on ABC.