20 Times I Screamed Watching ‘The Other Two’s Most Outrageous Episode

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In news that will surprise absolutely no one, The Other Two has outdone itself again. But Season 3, Episode 8, “Brooke Hosts a Night of Undeniable Good,” isn’t just another A+ episode. It’s an installment so hilarious, daring, and utterly outrageous that I spent the majority of its 37-minute run screaming at my television in glee, horror, and pure adoration.

Since its 2019 premiere, Chris Kelly and Sarah Schneider’s incisive comedy has consistently pushed comedic boundaries with cutting satire of the entertainment industry, relentless pop culture references, a sparkling roster of celebrity guest stars, powerful performances, and uniquely ambitious storylines. In Season 3 alone we’ve seen Cary (Drew Tarver) offer to eat Lukas Gage’s ass at an AIDS play, Marvel’s Simu Liu recreate an entire Applebee’s restaurant to give his lover Pat (Molly Shannon) a chill dinner with her family, Brooke (Heléne Yorke) go to space after dating a millionaire-turned-billionaire, and Chase (Case Walker) transition to full-on bad boy to save his crush, Pam Snot, from being banished to the woods. We’ve gotten brilliant Romeo & Juliet and Pleasantville homages, watched Dylan O’Brien take a shower via Zoom, bowed down to Pride Month icon Globby, and so much more. But few television episodes are as masterfully off the rails from start to finish as The Other Two Season 3, Episode 8.

From Chase becoming the face of mental health to Cary landing face-down in a diaper full of his own piss, here are 20 times I screamed, howled, cackled, or all of the above while watching The Other Two‘s most outrageous episode yet.

  1. When Shuli Realized She Had A Client Who’s Struggling With Mental Heath

    Case Walker on 'The Other Two'
    Photo: Max

    The Other Two gave ChaseDreams a rebellious Bieber-meets-Machine Gun Kelly transformation in Episode 7 as part of his Pam Snot damage control, and in Episode 8, much to Shuli’s delight, Chase admits that fans turning on him gave him anxiety and depression. Shuli cries a single happy tear upon realizing she can make Chase the face of mental health, and though Brooke initially calls her plan disgusting, she soon realizes she can leverage Chase’s mental health struggles to (drumroll, please) DO GOOD, her ultimate Season 3 goal.

  2. ChaseDreams’ Mental Health PSA

    Case Walker on 'The Other Two'
    Photo: Max

    After setting Chase up with a therapist……….app, he becomes the new face of mental health and records his very own PSA. “Hi, my name is Chase Dreams. I used to be bad and want to punch my mom, but then I went to therapy and now I’m all better,” he says to the camera while looking like his old clean-cut self. “Cause therapy works, which is why I partnered with Better Health to give away one million dollars in free therapy to you.” Thank you, Chase.

  3. Any Time Mental Health Officer Jules Appeared

    Cast of 'The Other Two'
    Photo: Max

    Brooke is on a mission to do good, so she’s not stopping with a simple PSA and some free therapy. She organizes a telethon in hopes of raising $250 million for mental health awareness, and she takes her goodness a step further by hiring a COVID officer named Effie (Tameishia Peterson) and a mental health officer named Jules (Spike Einbinder) to keep everyone safe on set. Jules, a real scene stealer, seemingly materializes out of thin air to correct Brooke every time she says words like “insane,” “crazy,” “psycho,” or “cuckoo bananas,” only to nearly get hit by a car at the end of the episode and scream “WATCH WHERE YOU’RE GOING, YOU FUCKING PSYCHO!” Perfection.

  4. A Night of Undeniable Good’s Lineup

    A television screen displaying the words [Insert Name of Parkland Survivor We Can Get]
    Photo: Max

    ChaseDreams & BetterHealth Present A Night Of Undeniable Good’s lineup? It slayed me. The eight-hour event featured performances “from singers who get anxious sometimes like Lady Gaga, Ben Platt, and the cast of Hamilton still.” STILL! It also promised a powerful speech from [Insert Name of Parkland Survivor We Can Get] and “three performances from John Legend that will make you say, ‘Huh, I just think he doesn’t like to be home.'” Chase delivers expert commentary throughout the night, from reminding everyone that mental health is something he’s cared deeply about for five weeks to thanking John Krasinski for “that beautiful poem while flexing.” 💀 Name a show that’s doing comedy better, I dare you.

  5. Cary Driving 90mph To Get To His High School Reunion

    Drew Tarver on 'The Other Two'
    Photo: Max

    After learning his Netflix series, Windweaver, was renewed and his character is being promoted to the titular weaver of wind, Cary races to his high school reunion to flex harder than John Krasinski while reading a poem. In order to make it on time, he drives eight straight hours at 90mph, chugging energy drinks, tossing snacks into his mouth, peeing in a cup, and throwing said piss out the window onto the windshield behind him. The Stress. The Chaos. The — and I can’t stress this last one enough — Urine.

  6. More Gays Driving 90mph To Get To Their High School Reunions

    A man driving on 'The Other Two'
    Photo: Max

    What’s funnier than one gay racing to win his high school reunion? Two. The car Cary had been throwing piss on for the last hour pulls up beside him and the driver (Eddie Leavy) reveals that he, too, is racing back to his hometown to impress his former classmates. Why? He just found out he’s going to be Kamala Harris’ new chief of staff, of course. He throws Cary a diaper so he can make it to the reunion on time but “still show respect for other gays on the road racing home to their reunions.” Because what’s funnier than two gays racing home to win their high school reunions? Four gays a racing. The Other Two just gets it.

  7. Brooke’s Town Hall Therapist Being A Sexual Predator

    Heléne Yorke on 'The Other Two'
    Photo: Max

    Part of the Night of Undeniable Good’s lineup is a teen mental health town hall with Dr. Gregory Neal, but mid-telethon, Brooke learns Dr. Neal is sexually harassing the crew. Instead of firing him on the spot, she asks if he was grabbing girl or guy butts, then considers asking the girls to stay silent before suggesting they may have been “asking for it.” Don’t worry, she caught herself. “Oh my god! Everything people say that gets them in trouble I’m actually saying, it’s crazy!” she admits. “Your brain really does go there.” After her ethical roller coaster, Brooke decides to fire the guy, but not before Jules swoops in and asks her not to say the word “crazy!” Screaming!

  8. The Parkland Survivor Testing Positive For COVID Mid-Telethon And Brooke Locking The COVID Officer In A Broom Closet

    Cast of 'The Other Two'
    Photo: Max

    Remember [Insert Name Of Parkland Survivor We Can Get]? Yeah, he tests positive for COVID, meaning Brooke is now down a therapist and a Parkland survivor. “Are you sure he can’t stay seven more minutes?” she asks the COVID officer, who says absolutely not. Streeter suggests they chloroform Effie and send their guest on stage anyway, but Brooke shuts down the absurd idea immediately. She has a better one: They’ll lock the COVID officer, a full woman, in a broom closet for “half a Seinfeld” and let her out after the Parkland survivor delivers his message. Their plan initially seems like a success, but Effie escapes through the vents, which causes a whole other commotion.

  9. 🎶 “The Gays Are Coming Home To Win The Night!” 🎶

    Four men driving cars on 'The Other Two'
    Photo: Max

    First The Other Two gave the world gay icon Globby during Pride Month and now we get a gay anthem sung to the tune of “The Ants Go Marching” or “When Johnny Comes Marching Home” or “Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye” or one of the many other parodies you know. As Cary and the other gays — including a head of comedy at Netflix (Jacob Dickey) and Google’s new VP (Saxton Walker) — race home to their reunions, they sing, “The gays are racing home tonight, hoorah hoorah!” followed by lyrics about sitting in their own pee, Windweaver, and the big finish: “WE ARE GAY AND COMING TO WIN THE NIGHT!” From “Marry U At Recess” to “My Brother’s Gay,” The Other Two continues to churn out Grammy-worthy bops, but the latest will have you howling with joy and play on a loop in your head for weeks to come.

  10. Cary’s Reunion Dreams Coming True (And Him Not Getting Busted For Smelling Like Piss)

    Drew Tarver on 'The Other Two'
    Photo: Max

    In a major twist, Cary Dubek DOES win the night. After walking in and feeling stupid when no one acknowledges his presence, Cary’s reunion dreams come true and everyone gathers to fuss over him, take photos, and listen to his stories all night. He’s so untouchable that a mom even takes the fall when someone brings up the fact that it smells like piss in the Cary-sphere. And another gay alum storms out of the event in a huff after realizing he’s merely the second most successful gay at the reunion.

  11. Cameron Kasky Cameos And Potentially Gives SIA And Her Grandma COVID

    Heléne Yorke, Cameron Kasky, and Ken Marino on 'The Other Two'
    Photo: Max

    In another twist, real-life Parkland survivor and activist Cameron Kasky has an iconic cameo on The Other Two as himself, but with COVID. As Brooke and Streeter escort the 22-year-old down the hall while wearing gloves, gowns, and face shields to protect themselves from COVID, Kasky does the unthinkable and stops to hug SIA (!) and her grandma (!!), exposing them to his virus. “Oh my god, we killed SIA’s grandma,” Streeter yells as Kasky takes a selfie with Grandma SIA. How did this cameo happen? I need an oral history!!!

  12. A Conservative Company’s CEO Threatens To Pull His $100 Million Donation After Finding Out Ben Platt Is Performing On The Show

    'The Other Two' Episode 308
    Photo: Max

    As if Brooke didn’t hit enough roadblocks in her quest to do good, an uber-conservative CEO threatens to pull his company’s $100 million donation after finding out openly gay man, Ben Platt, is going to perform on the telethon. “I hate gays too,” Cary Dubek’s sister tells the CEO in hopes of changing his mind. When the CEO refuses to budge, Brooke tells Ben Platt (yes, the real Ben Platt) the situation hoping he’ll drop out, but he says he’ll go out there more determined than ever to not be silenced.

  13. Daddy Streeter Trying To Distract Ben Platt

    Ken Marino on 'The Other Two'
    Photo: Max

    Naturally, Streeter suggests they chloroform Ben Platt to solve the problem, but then he has an epiphany. “Oh my god, Brooke! I’m a Daddy!” Streeter says. Next thing we know, an oiled and shirtless Ken Marino — with Streeter’s belly button tattoo ring on full display — is leaning against Ben Platt’s dressing room doorway saying, “Hey, twink. What do you say we blow off this fundraiser and I step on your bones? Or break your neck? Or is it legs? I will break any bone in your body that you want me to break.” Ben Platt files a sexual harassment complaint against Streeter, which Streeter considers great news because “that means he isn’t gay! Or he would have loved that!”

  14. Brooke Deciding To Chloroform Ben Platt

    Heléne Yorke on 'The Other Two'
    Photo: Max

    After A Night of Undeniable Bad, Brooke caves and decides to chloroform Ben Platt. Are you hearing me? A character on The Other Two decides to chloroform Ben Platt at a fundraiser for mental health to ensure a $100 million donation from a conservative CEO. I’d say you can’t write things this good, but someone DID! Anyway, Brooke gets some chloroform from the broom closet, douses a rag in the bathroom, and heads to his room to get the job done. Oh, and did we mention that in place of Ben Platt she plans to have the Hamilton cast sing “The Room Where It Happened,” but for the purposes of the telethon, the room would be a therapist’s office.

  15. The COVID Officer Falling Through The Ceiling And Telling Ben Platt He Tested Positive

    Ben Platt on 'The Other Two'
    Photo: Max

    With chloroform-soaked rag in hand, Brooke heads to see Ben Platt, but just as she’s about to cross the line, the missing COVID officer who escaped into the vents falls through the ceiling and tells the singer he has COVID and needs to leave immediately. “YES! So he can’t perform and it’s his fault?!” Brooke exclaims. “We fucking did it!”

  16. Cary Driving While On Instagram

    A phone displaying Instagram on 'The Other Two'
    Photo: Max

    If Cary driving 90 mph to his reunion doesn’t give you an anxiety attack, Cary driving back from his reunion while checking Instagram just might. The sad actor spends his drive posting Instagram Stories, checking DMs, and getting mini highs from his post-reunion social engagement. I was sure he was going to get into an accident. But instead…

  17. Cary Stopping At A Gas Station And Landing Face-First In His Piss Diaper

    Drew Tarver on 'The Other Two'
    Photo: Max

    The wind weaver stops at a gas station, goes to the bathroom room to remove his piss diaper, and washes before compulsively checking Instagram again. After realizing he doesn’t have service, Cary stands on toilet sticks and sticks his phone out the window, only to slip, dunk his foot into the busted gas station toilet bowl, and fall face-first onto his wet piss diaper. HELP ME!

  18. Lance’s People Magazine Cover

    Josh Segarra on 'The Other Two'
    Photo: Max

    One thing this outrageous episode is lacking? Josh Segarra as Lance. But fear not, he makes an iconic cameo in the final minutes when Brooke sees him on the cover of People Magazine as People’s Sexiest Man Alive and screams, “WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK!” After Brooke spends the day whining about how hard it is to do good, the magazine cover has the audacity to read, “HOW NURSES LIKE LANCE ARROYO MAKE DOING GOOD LOOK HOT — AND EASY!” It’s small details like these that put The Other Two in a class all its own.

  19. Cary’s Epiphany

    Drew Tarver on 'The Other Two'
    Photo: Max

    After Kamala Harris’ new chief of staff comes to Cary’s rescue at the gas station, the Windweaver star and his newly acquired “Proud To Be An Airforce Grandpa” shirt spiral about how lost and unhappy they are. “I have everything I ever wanted, so what am I missing?” Cary says as his classmates video chat him on Instagram and remind him he was named “Most Likely To Win An Academy Award For Best Actor” in high school. They invite Cary to hang out, and when he hangs up he seems to have a full understanding of what his life lacks: meaningful relationshi— NOPE. As he speeds home again, he calls his agent and says, “I need to win the Academy Award for Best Actor in a Motion Picture!” This man is going to have to hit rock bottom, isn’t he?

  20. Pat’s Epiphany

    Molly Shannon on 'The Other Two'
    Photo: Max

    Throughout the episode, we catch glimpses of Pat visiting her friend Lisa back in Ohio. She looks like she’s thriving in her old world, but when she gets in bed and texts Streeter, we learn she had a day from hell. As she recalls shopping, getting ice cream, feeding the ducks, and eating dinner with friends, Pat says, “The whole day I kept thinking, ‘I am so fucking bored.'” She was so excited to go back home but “hated every minute of it” and doesn’t think she can ever return. “I was with my friends but I wasn’t. I was outside them. Because they were the same and I was different. I am different,” she says in a sad voice. PAT! NO!!!! She tells Streeter she misses him and his “big fat dick,” and before the end credits roll, she realizes she posted tweets instead of texts again. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

The Other Two is currently streaming on Max.