Is Daisy Johnson In ‘Secret Invasion’?

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There are plenty of mysteries surrounding the characters in Secret Invasion. As of the end of Episode 3 (SPOILERS), these mysteries include: is Rhodey a Skrull? Is Sonya Falsworth related to Union Jack, or is she Union Jack herself? Is Nick Fury’s wife working for Gravik, and how long has Nick Fury been married? Is Gravik Nick Fury’s adopted son? Is G’iah really dead, or is Emilia Clarke playing someone else too? And, lastly, does anyone care that Everett K. Ross has been kidnapped and doubled by the Skrulls? No? The cast of Secret Invasion is quite large and comprised of a number of major players in the MCU, so any reveal regarding any of these mysteries could have major ramifications for the MCU. So, with all that in mind, of course we need to talk about… Quake.

Yes, Quake, a.k.a. Daisy Johnson — the super-powered secret agent from ABC’s long-running Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. played by Chloe Bennet. Fans of the series have been buzzing about the beloved Marvel hero making a grand return in Secret Invasion after the end of S.H.I.E.L.D. in 2020. Now that we’re at the halfway mark of Secret Invasion’s run, let’s rattle these rumors and see what shakes out.

Is Daisy Johnson in Secret Invasion?

No. Not currently. Not as of the first three episodes, at least.


Will Daisy Johnson appear in Secret Invasion?

All signs point to no. Chloe Bennet has also vehemently denied having anything to do with the show, first on Twitter years ago when the show was announced…

… and again just a few months ago in an interview, where she said, “I have not once been approached or asked or involved in anything after I wrapped S.H.I.E.L.D. And I am not involved in anything that is coming out. I’ve not been asked, but I would be more than excited to put on the suit again.”

So why are we talking about Quake appearing on Secret Invasion?

Because fans of the series really, really, really want her to and all fans — myself included! — love getting worked up about theories. Except while I’m convinced that Jessica Drew will show up on Secret Invasion, these people are convinced that Daisy Johnson will. Why?

Well, in the original Secret Invasion storyline, Nick Fury recruited Daisy and her team of Secret Warriors to combat the Skrull threat. Secret Invasion was a turning point for the comic book version of Quake, so it would be fitting if the MCU version was too.

Quake and Fury
Mighty Avengers #13 (2004) by Alex Maleev (artist), Matt Hollingsworth (colorist), Brian Michael Bendis (writer), Dave Lanphear (letterer) Photo: Marvel Comics

Content creators are also pointing to a list posted on Twitter that purportedly runs down what people should watch before Secret Invasion hits. That’s not news, per se. I mean, Decider has a list like this. People are instead freaking out about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. being on the list.

The inclusion of S.H.I.E.L.D. on the list got Marvel TikTok in a tizzy!

Now, how official that list is, I can’t be sure. I can’t find that specific list on Disney+, although there is a carousel of titles in a category titled “Nick Fury” on Marvel’s landing page. The same list of titles also appears on the Disney+ home page as “Featuring Nick Fury.”

Disney+ menu pages
Photos: Disney+

There are two ways to look at this list of titles: it’s a definitive list of all of the titles that you absolutely have to watch in order to understand the plot of Secret Invasion or… it’s just a list of all of the shows and movies that Nick Fury has appeared in (Fury appeared in two Season 1 episodes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.). Based on the Secret Invasion episodes that we’ve seen so far, it is undoubtedly the latter.

If this really was a list of movies that you need to watch in order to understand Secret Invasion, then why isn’t Iron Man 3 on the list? In Secret Invasion Episode 3, we see Gravik inexplicably heal his hand using some orangey, firey energy ability that Skrulls don’t have. However, if you’ve watched Iron Man 3, you’ll know that Gravik has some Extremis in him now. In fact, Avengers: Infinity War and Thor: The Dark World should be on the list too since Episode 2 revealed that DNA samples have been harvested from those movies too.

Secret Invasion - Harvest samples
Photo: Disney+

Also, if Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. being on that list means that Quake is showing up, does it also mean that we’re going to see the return of Justin Hammer in Secret Invasion? Or Ultron? Quicksilver? Is the Watcher going to show up in live-action again as part of Secret Invasion? The Watcher doesn’t have nearly enough TikTok stans!

So is Daisy Johnson in Secret Invasion?

I’m going to bet on no, she’s not. The evidence supporting this fan theory feels very thin, and not enough to override the fact that Marvel Studios has seemingly gone out of their way to ignore everything done on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (aside from one thing). Remember: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was made by the now-defunct Marvel Television and not Marvel Studios. That means that the Marvel Studios shows, like Secret Invasion, aren’t beholden to anything done by Marvel Television. It is always possible that fan love will be enough to bring Daisy Johnson, as played by Chloe Bennet, into the MCU. Hey — it worked for Daredevil and Kingpin. But as for it happening in Secret Invasion, it doesn’t seem likely.