Russell Brand Posts Video Addressing “Distressing Week” Following Rape Allegations

Russell Brand has posted a video to social media addressing a “distressing week” following allegations of rape, sexual assault and controlling behavior by The Times, The Sunday Times and Channel 4’s Dispatches in a joint investigation.

The actor, comedian and presenter had denied what he termed “very serious criminal allegations” in a video that was released last week (September 15). In the video, Brand insisted that his relationships have always been consensual.

The allegations against Brand cover a seven year period “at the height of his fame” from 2006 to 2013, according to The Sunday Times and come from four women, one of whom was 16 at the time. At the time of the allegations, Brand was a presenter for BBC Radio 2 and Channel 4.

One of the women alleged that Brand raped her against a wall in his Los Angeles home and that she went on to be treated at a rape crisis center the same day. Another alleged that Brand assaulted her when she was aged 16 during an emotionally abusive and controlling relationship.

A third woman claims that Brand sexually assaulted her in Los Angeles and later threatened to take legal action if she spoke about the allegation to anyone else. A fourth woman described being sexually assaulted by Brand and also claimed he was both physically and emotionally abusive towards her.

Now, in a new video, Brand spoke about this past week as being “extraordinary and distressing” while also thanking his supporters. He also used the video to hit out at media outlets and the British government. You can watch it below.

“Obviously it has been an extraordinary and distressing week,” said Brand during the three-minute-video. “and I thank you very much for your support and for questioning the information that you have been presented with.”

He added: “By now you are probably aware that the British government have asked big tech platforms to censor our online content and that some online platforms have complied with that request.”

Brand didn’t directly address any of the claims made against him, however, he spent the majority of the clip talking about the UK government’s “sweeping surveillance and censorship powers” as well as “deep state and corporate collusion.”

“And of course, we’ll be talking about media corruption and censorship,” he added.
“So please follow me on Rumble because that’s the only way that we can keep our voice.”

Since the reports were released on Saturday (September 16), allegations from more women have emerged, however The Times has committed to ensuring they are “rigorously checked.”

Both Channel 4 and the BBC have opened investigations into Brand, and the Metropolitan Police have requested information from The Times and Channel 4 investigation regarding any alleged offences, and have urged any victims to come forward.

Women’s charity Trevi Women and literacy agency Tavistock Wood have cut ties with Brand, while Channel 4 have also removed all content featuring Brand from their streaming service.

For help, advice or more information regarding sexual harassment, assault and rape in the US, visit RAINN.