Chaos Reigns On ‘Big Brother 25’ As Bowie Jane Wins Head of Household

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I can sum up last night’s live eviction episode of Big Brother 25 with two words: chaos reigns. And by the end of the Head of Household competition, we learned that chaos has two names: Bowie and Jane.

The entire hour was chaotic from beginning to end. The fallout of Felicia dragging Cory through the dirt, the way the entire house completely flipped and evicted Mecole, Mecole dramatically calling out alliances and targets on her way out the door — it was a wild night for the Big Brother house… and it ended the only way a chaotic hour like that one could: with Bowie Jane winning Head of Household.

Yes, that Bowie Jane — the Bowie Jane who has become infamous for blending into the wallpaper all season long, despite her tendency to sport glitter swirls in her hair. And unlike Bowie Jane’s gameplay, her glitter swirls are reaching for something! Bowie Jane, though? Bowie Jane has exuded “just happy to be here” energy from Day One. Bowie Jane has somehow managed to be a part of everyone else’s second or third-most important alliance. Her primary alliance, of course, has been the one she brought into the house: her alliance with fingerless gloves and tech vests.

Big Brother - Bowie Jane voting
Photo: Paramount+

I have to wonder, though, if Bowie Jane even wanted to win Head of Household. In order to break a tie between Bowie Jane and Felicia during the Head of Household competition, the two of them had to guess how many minutes Jared spent in the house as a zombie. Jared spent a literal week in the house as a zombie — from one live episode to the following. Essentially Julie Chen Moonves asked, “How many minutes are in a week?” Bowie Jane’s answer:

Big Brother - Bowie Jane answering "27"
Photo: Paramount+

Oh my god, Bowie Jane!

I do think there was a bit of strategy here, though. If I can insert myself into the nonstop party palace that is Bowie Jane’s mind, I think she was expecting — or hoping — that Felicia would be way closer to getting it right. And since this was Price is Right rules, closest without going over, Bowie Jane gave Felicia the opportunity to take it by guessing a comically low number. I mean, Jared’s tenure as a zombie on the edited show even lasted longer than 27 minutes.

But then Bowie Jane probably heard Julie Chen Moonves urging Felicia to hurry up, to get an answer down. With more time to think, and now aware of how much thought Felicia was putting into that math, Bowie Jane probably realized that it would look incredibly suspicious if she just went with “27.” She increased her answer to…

Big Brother - Bowie Jane and Felicia answers
Photo: Paramount+

Oh my god, Bowie Jane! That is 10 and a half hours! That is still hilariously low! Meanwhile, Felicia’s answer of 49,500 minutes equals out to 34 days. The answer was one week, or 10,104 minutes. Both of them were ridiculously off… but Bowie Jane didn’t go over. The look of absolute shock on her face when Julie Chen Moonves announces that she won Head of Household — !

Big Brother - Bowie Jane shocked
Photo: Paramount+

Go Bowie Jane, go!

Listen: I am here for this moment. Head of Household has been held by Cameron, Jared, or Cory for six of the nine weeks of competition. And we know what a Felicia HoH would have looked like: a scorched Earth blitz against Cameron and Cory, resulting in one of them being evicted, and also a lot of great monologues from Felicia. But of everyone else remaining in the house, Bowie Jane is an absolute wild card. Who will she possibly nominate? She has alliances with everyone and grudges against no one! Her strategy thus far has boiled down to “smile and shout out podcasts after voting.” What is she going to do?!

It’s also clear that, while her strategy has long appeared to be TBA, getting Head of Household is actually bad for Bowie Jane’s game. Even on Thursday night, as I watched the pomp and circumstance of the eviction process going down, I tried with all my might to imagine the houseguests ever devoting this much dramatic energy to evicting Bowie Jane and I simply could not. Like, Bowie Jane is that one last box of random knickknacks that sits in the hallway for a year after moving into a new place. All your energy is focused on painting walls, installing light fixtures, tearing up carpet — a.k.a. evicting all of the players who are actually playing the game hard, posing threats, and carrying out vendettas. You don’t get around to unpacking those knickknacks until way later — and that could have carried Bowie Jane to the finale.

Now that Bowie Jane is Head of Household (god, truly LOL) her indirect strategy is blown up. She can’t hide in the shadows. Bowie Jane is in the spotlight, and everyone in the house is going to have to appeal to her and try to form an alliance with her, nominally on her terms. I imagine some of them will be talking to Bowie Jane for the first time. More interactions could finally provide everyone else with a reason to want Bowie Jane out of the house. And because Bowie Jane has been a background character, albeit a truly delightful background character, it is anyone’s guess how this is going to turn out. But however it plays out, this is Bowie Jane’s moment. It’s time for DJ Bowie Jane to get behind the ones and twos and turn this party out.

Big Brother airs on Sunday night at 10 p.m. ET on CBS.