Barbra Streisand Not Sure Whether She Slept With Her Old Friend Warren Beatty: “I Guess I Did. Probably Once.”

During the 1960s and ’70s, Warren Beatty was famously the most eligible bachelor in Hollywood, with a reputation for sleeping with countless women. Barbra Streisand might be one of those women, but she can’t actually remember.

In Streisand’s new memoir, My Name Is Barbra, she recalls having a “fling” with Beatty, but can’t recall how far they went, writing, “Did I sleep with Warren? I kind of remember. I guess I did. Probably once,” per Entertainment Weekly.

In the memoir, she recalls meeting Beatty when she was sixteen and he was 21. When Beatty himself recalled the events of their meeting, he told her, “Even then you had that one-of-a-kind mix of intelligence, critical skepticism, and eroticism that we all know and love so well.”

Streisand writes that she balked at his choice of words, saying, “Eroticism? Hmmm… interesting choice of word, and it may have said more about Warren than me! He can be very astute, and also funny, which is part of what makes him so charming.”

Though she was just a teen when they met, they forged a lifelong friendship, and she recalls being asked by Playboy writer Lawrence Grobel whether or not she and Beatty were ever a couple. “When [Grobel] asked if I was once ‘romantically linked’ with Warren Beatty, I said blithely, ‘One of my flings.’ I was just tossing off a reply, playing the role of a jaded woman of the world.”

But that tossed-off reply has some validity, at least according to Beatty. Streisand writes that during a more recent conversation, he mentioned their romance.

“Recently, we were on the phone talking politics and who knows what else when he said, ‘I remember why we broke up.’ I said, ‘When were we together?’ Then I hung up and asked myself, ‘Did I sleep with Warren?’ I kind of remember. I guess I did. Probably once.”

This isn’t the first time Beatty claims that he and Streisand hooked up. Kathy Griffin wrote in her own memoir that she attended a party in 2012 where the two stars had the same conversation, and she recalls Streisand telling Beatty, “Warren, I’m not going to have this fight with you again. We nev-ah hooked up.”

Beatty replied, “Noooo, Barbra, I think we did. We were coming back from that little club in the Catskills… There was a time when you got a little handsy in the backseat.”

Warren Beatty and Barbra Streisand
Photo: Getty Images

Whether or not the pair ever got handsy may be one of life’s great mysteries. Beatty’s reputation as a ladies’ man continued for decades until he married Annette Bening in 1992. Streisand has been married to James Brolin since 1998.

My Name Is Barbra came out on November 7.