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‘House of Villains’ Exit Interview: Corinne Olympios Hints At A Return To The Show, Promising “Karma Is A Bitch”

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On the very first day that she arrived to House of Villains, Corinne Olympios declared, “I will tell you right now, if there are any bugs involved, I will lose this competition.” On a show filled with challenges that tested both mental and physical strength, Corinne managed to skate through six episodes unscathed, but her prediction ultimately came true this week: an elimination challenge where she had to stick her hand in a box full of bugs (and snakes and rats) were her undoing and the critters helped send her home.

Decider checked in with The Bachelor alum whose elimination (decided by a unanimous vote among her housemates) was something of a surprise this week: she wasn’t first on anyone’s list of people to get rid of (that honor belonged to Shake Chatterjee), but ultimately, it came down to her and Bad Girls Club star Tanisha Thomas. Both women failed to pull a series of tokens out of a black box filled with scorpions and other vermin, while Shake, a veterinarian, completed the challenge with ease. Though Corinne at least tried to participate, Tanisha tapped out and forfeited the challenge, which made it look like she was the clear loser of the week, but as with everything on this show, nothing is as it seems. Tanisha won back some of her popularity after she brought in a gospel choir to sing for the house at 6 a.m., redeeming herself in the eyes of the rest of the villains and helping to send Corinne packing. During our conversation, Corinne breaks down her biggest regrets about how she strategized during her time in the house, her thoughts on who the show’s biggest villains really are, and the very special skill she used on the show that comes in handy in real life.

DECIDER: Hi, Corinne! I did not think that you are the person that I would be talking to today. I had pages and pages of questions for Shake and Tanisha because I was like, clearly one of them is going home. So I’m a little shocked to see you here.

CORINNE OLYMPIOS: I know, it sucks.

Were you shocked that the vote to send you home was unanimous?

I was, but it does make sense because I was the one that did try [in the black box challenge] . So that is the threat to everyone’s bag. In hindsight, I just shouldn’t have tried.

Photo: E!

Were you annoyed that Tanisha didn’t try in that challenge?

Yes, very. They didn’t show me actually getting some coins out. There were faulty coins mixed in with the coins you were able to use to eliminate people. So I did get my hands in some of the boxes and get some faulty coins that you just essentially had to throw away into a side box. They didn’t show, that but I really did try.

Do you think her choir stunt is what saved her?

I don’t know. I honestly think it might have been, but it also is the fact that she just doesn’t try. But that’s her gameplay, so good for her. I’m not saying that that’s bad or wrong, I’m just saying that that she came out as, like, a non-threat.

Omarosa had a theory about floaters in reality TV competition, people who just skate by unnoticed, and how they don’t belong in the game. Do you agree that Tanisha is a floater?

Floaters do exist. But floaters are it’s a form of gameplay, you’re not a threat to anybody. So, you know, I think there’s a point where, like, you do want to get the floaters out. But then again, you’re like, wait a minute, we got to keep the floaters. Because if it’s me and a floater at the end, and there’s a challenge, I’m gonna win against the floater.

Back to Omarosa – how mad are you that she put you up you and Tanisha up for elimination after promising that she wouldn’t?

That was just messed up. But I shouldn’t have been surprised at all. I should have been expecting her to pull something like that. That’s who she is. She plays dirty. And, you know, karma is a bitch.

Things started off really rocky between you two, can you kind of walk me through the evolution of your relationship and whether there actually were good moments? It seems like you got along some of the time.

I think it was more of just us tolerating each other. There were not that many people, so you got to just kind of like work together and depend on whoever you can. So it’s like, if we all really hate the same person, which at the time it was Shake, I just wanted to team up with anybody else who wanted Shake out.

How do you feel about Shake these days?

I think he played pretty dirty. He said some really horrible things. I’m past it. But you know, never forget.

House of Villains season two?

House of Villains season two, Shake’s gonna be the first to go, honey.

Do you have any relationship with New York these days?

Of course, she’s a great friend of mine. I love her. I think she’s amazing. I’ll always have her in my life.

HOUSE OF VILLAINS -- Episodic  -- Pictured: (l-r) Corinne Olympios, Tiffany “New York” Pollard -- (Photo by: Casey Durkin/E! Entertainment)

Do you think that things would be different for you on the show if you hadn’t voted her out?

Definitely. I was swayed by people in the house. And I need to remember to stay true to myself and trust the people that I should have trusted. I regret my decision kicking her off or voting for her off I should have you know, but at that point, I thought the whole house was swaying one way. And I didn’t want to stay and then have the house know I was the person that voted for her to stay and then have them against me while I was stuck there still. People need to understand that. Like, if you’re not up there [on the chopping block], you’re still in the house. So you have to deal with the people after those people are gone. And you just are trying to do anything you can to stay on everybody’s good side.

Who is truly the biggest villain in the house, in your opinion?

I think it’s Omarosa and Shake and Bobby, because they were saying things to me, then the next minute, someone’s coming up to me saying that they’re saying the opposite thing. I was just like, what are these people doing? Like, well, which is it? Because we’re all supposed to be voting the same way. And this doesn’t make any sense. There were some times where people’s gameplay just didn’t make any sense, even for them. So I was like, what are you doing?

Well, I’m really sorry that you’re off the show, I feel like it’s worse off for you not being there.

Well, thank you. I agree. But guess what? This is not the last you’ll see of me and I do come back. And I have a role in the fate of everybody left in the house.

There’s one last question I need to ask, about something you said in the masquerade episode. You said that you’re very good at identifying people based on their head shape.

Oh, yeah.

Is this is a life skill that has come in handy before?

YES! I’ve caught so many ex-boyfriends out at clubs, like, hiding in the back looking for them when they said they weren’t out. I’ve used this skill my whole life. I will pick you out of a crowd of a million people because I will see the shadow of your head shape. Like, I know.

That’s amazing. Do you have other special skills like that?

I have many special skills, but the head shape skill is definitely one that is very uncommon and just a specialty of mine.

House of Villains airs Thursday nights at 10PM on E!